Study Abroad with ENGAGE.EU

The alliance comprises higher education institutions spread across the continent and thus reflects Europe’s diversity. In addition to the University of Mannheim, it includes the universities Luiss Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli (Italy), NHH Norwegian School of Economics (Norway), Tilburg University (Netherlands), University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria), Université Toulouse 1 Capitole (France), and the Vienna University of Economics and Business (Austria). As of October 2023, the Hanken School of Economics (Finland) and the Universitat Ramon Llull (Spain) have joined the alliance as partner institutions. As a joint European University, ENGAGE.EU is the academic home of more than 100,000 students, researchers, and employees, working and innovating together with great passion and enthusiasm, sharing their interdisciplinary and cross-cultural knowledge.

You can find all ENGAGE.EU learning opportunities for students here:

ENGAGE.EU for Students

This webpage (below) gives special information for  students of University of Mannheim who would like to participate in one of the listed study offers:

ENGAGE.EU Summer / Winter Schools

The ENGAGE.EU Summer Schools and ENGAGE.EU Winter Schools are an intensive, two-week summer programs taught by ENGAGE.EU professors and lecturers. The programs aims to provide a forum for interdisciplinary academic exchange and learning, preparing students with hard and soft skills they can use as they pursue graduate studies and future careers.

It is possible to receive an Erasmus Scholarship for the ENGAGE Summer School from the Universität Mannheim: Support of 79€ per day plus travel allowance for 'Green Mobility' if applicable (50€ plus up to 4 additional paid travel days). For further questions please contact Ms. Wittenberg.

ENGAGE.EU Winter School: Law & Policy for the Anthropocene by Tilburg University (10–17 January, 2025)

The ENGAGE.EU Winter School Law & Policy for the Anthropocene is an intensive 10-days winter programme for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in law, public administration, political science, public policy, and international relations, hosted by Tilburg University in January 2025.

Application Deadline: 15 October 2024 (13:00 CET)

Click here for more information

ENGAGE.EU Winter School Studium Oecologicum – Current Issues in Sustainability by the University of Mannheim (13–24 January, 2025)

The ENGAGE.EU Winter School Studium Oecologicum – Current Issues in Sustainability is an intensive, two-week Winter programme with a mix of virtual and in-presence elements for bachelor’s students from all fields of studies, hosted by the University of Mannheim in January 2025.  

Application Deadline: 15 October 2024 (13:00 CET)

Click here for more information

ENGAGE.EU Joint Programme in Digital Transformation

The world is changing fast. The Joint Programme in Digital Transformation Programmes equips you with the latest technology skills and knowledge to understand data, leverage digital disruption, create societal impact, prepare yourself for a digital future that is happening now, and become a digital change maker. In this programme, you will have the opportunity to work with some of the largest tech and digital companies in innovative case studies and workshops. As a culmination, the programme ends with an in-person summer seminar at one of the seven partner universities, where you will meet your cohort, practically apply your knowledge from the courses, and expand your network.

Prepare yourself for a digital future – Add on certificate (honours programme)

Application Deadline: 30 October 2024!

ENGAGE.EU Online Exchange Initiative (OEI)

Since the fall semester 2020, students of the University of Mannheim can study virtually at our ENGAGE.EU partner universities within the Online Exchange Initiative (OEI). As a participant, you will be part of a virtual and international classroom. Benefit from international learning opportunities and exchange ideas with students from different countries! Students may choose from the partner's online course offer and can apply for usually up to three online courses per semester which they take parallel to their studies at University of Mannheim. This includes taking exams and receiving ECTS credits – depending on the study program, recognition of credits at University of Mannheim is possible.

As of Fall 2024, ENGAGE.EU partner universities will open online courses for the Online Exchange Initiative that are taught in local languages of instructions, next to English. So, in addition to courses taught in English, you may find courses taught in Bulgarian, Catalan, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian and Swedish. Proficiency in the courses' language of instruction at level B2 (for Bachelors' courses) and C1 (for Masters' courses) accroding to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is required.

Course Offer and Application Procedures of Online Exchange Initiative ENGAGE.EU partner universities during the fall semester 2024

Application Period: 27May – 24 June 23:59 CET, 2024

Contact and FaQ regarding OEI

Please find the most frequently asked questions and answers regarding the Online Exchange Initiative (OEI) below. In case your question is not answered here, you are welcome to get in touch. In case of any specific questions regarding course selection and recognition, your departmental exchange coordinators are happy to help.

  • Will the ECTS I earn by completing OEI courses and/or module courses be recognized at University of Mannheim?

    First and foremost, particpating in OEI courses of our ENGAGE.EU partner universities aims at enabling our students to benefit from international learning experiences, in addition to physical student exchange programs. Participation in the Online Exchange Initiative should therefore not entierly depend on the question of recognition, rather on student's interest in the courses offered and in gaining international learning and team working experience. The question weather credits earned can be recognized for your degree at University of Mannheim is of course a relevant question and depends on your study program, your individual course choice and possible matches with home curriculum courses.

    To learn about a possible recognition of ECTS earned from one of our ENGAGE.EU partner universities, please get in touch with your departmental exchange coordinatorbefore you begin the virtual mobility. If possible, we recommend to conclude a Learning Agreement that contains the courses you are planning on taking and the confirmation of their recognition by the department. This document is your guarantee for the recognition of your courses.

    As soon as you have received your Transcript of Records, the certificate containing the courses you attended and grades you earned, from your host university, you can request the recognition and conversion of the credits you obtained abroad with the examination committee of your department. You will need to submit the Learning Agreement and the Transcript of Records by your host institution and state that you have obtained these credits within the framework of the Online Exchange Initiative.

    Please note: in case your departmental exchange coordinator may for organizational reasons not be able to provide you with a Learning Agreement until the application deadine, we recommend to apply at the partner university whatsoever to ensure that you meet the application deadline. In the event that a recognition might not become possible, you are still able to withraw from your application at the host university. In this case, please make sure to inform the respective contact person at our ENGAGE.EU partner university about your withdrawal!

  • Application Period – when will it open and what is the deadline?

    Application Period: 27 May until 24 June 2024

    The Application Period for the fall semester 2024 at all ENGAGE.EU partner universities will open on 27 May and will close on 24 December (23:59 CET) 2024. Applicants will be informed about a possible admission within two weeks after the application period has closed. Application procedures and prerequisites vary among the participating partner universities, also the lecture and exam period vary. Please get informed about the respective application procedures and framework conditions by reading our partner universities' information linked on the central homepage of ENGAGE.EU.

  • Who can apply?

    All degree-seeking students of all schools/departments of University of Mannheim who have re-registered for the upcoming semester (and who will therefore be enrolled at University of Mannheim during the online course participation) may apply.

  • How do I submit my application?

    You need to apply at the respective partner university directly, according to the information provided on the central hompage of ENGAGE.EU. There you will find all information provided by the partners regarding their course offer and their application modalities. A pre-selection procedure at University of Mannheim (as it would be the case for regular Outgoing Students) is not required.

  • Is it OK to apply at more than one ENGAGE.EU partner university for OEI at the same time?

    In principle: Yes. Please be aware of varying application procedures and framework conditions at the different partner universities. You will need to adhere to the respective procedures and regulations of all partners you apply for. Moreover, be aware that you will then be registered/enrolled at different partner universities at the same time.

    Please make sure to only apply for courses you are really interested in and double-check your time budget und temporal overlaps of courses at different institutions. Therefore, we recommend to apply for courses at not more than two partner universities.

  • How can I make sure that an online course at a partner university does not overlap with other courses at University of Mannheim?

    Due to the scope of courses offered by all OEI partner universities, temporal overlaps of courses offered by our partners or at University of Mannheim cannot be ruled out.  You will find all OEI course details (including the lesson times) on the central homepage of ENGAGE.EU (if applicable, also take Bulgaria's different time zone into account!). Courses offered at University of Mannheim are on display via Portal², as you know.

  • I was admitted to an OEI course at a partner university – but now I realize I cannot participate anymore – what do I need to do?

    Please make sure to inform the respective contact person at our ENAGE.EU partner university about your withdrawal so that our partner can process this accordingly.

  • Contact regarding OEI

    Claudius Werry

    Claudius Werry (he/him)

    ENGAGE.EU Local Work Package Coordinator Campus & Academic Affairs (WP2)
    Working from home every Monday, Wednesday and Friday; available only via E-Mail on these days.
    University of Mannheim
    Division II – Student Affairs
    International Office
    L 1, 1 – Room 106
    68161 Mannheim


Eine lächelnde Person trägt ein hellblaues T-Shirt mit dem Logo der Uni Mannheim und steht auf der Mensawiese vor dem Schloss. Die Person heißt Anais Bentayeb..

I would recommend participating in the OEI to all students who are curious and willing to learn new things.

Anais Bentayeb / Participant Online Exchange Initiative / Credit: Katrin Glückler
Marcello Gundolf hat kurze braune Haare und einen Bart. Er trägt ein blaues Hemd.

“I am thrilled about the Online Exchange Initiative” says Marcello, who has attended online courses at University of Mannheim. Read the interview to find out more!

Marcello Alexander Gundolf, Vienna University of Economics and Business / Credit: WUTV