
Fünf lächelnde Personen tragen schicke Kleidung und stehen nebeneinander. Alle tragen einen Lanyard der Universität LUIIS.
ENGAGE.EU Summer School in Toulouse
The upcoming Summer School on 'Artificial Intelligence and Societal Challenges' takes place in June at the Université Toulouse Capitole in France. Apply until 17 March 2024.
Ein aufgeklappter Laptop zeigt verschiedene Programmierbefehle.
Z-Labs – Online Courses for master's students in spring 2024
The Z-Labs are addresses at second-year graduate students and contain three sets of lectures on Technology Transfer, Scenario analysis, and Sustainable Governance respectively.
Eine Person in einem Poloshirt steht vorne in einem Semianrraum und redet. Fünf weitere Personen sitzen im Raum und sehen die Person an.
ENGAGE.EU Workshops for and by Early-Stage Researchers
ENGAGE.EU is funding one- to two-day workshops for and by early-stage researches at the University of Mannheim. Apply until 8 April!
Zwei lächelnde Personen in schicker Kleidung stehen nebeneinander vor einer braunen Wand. Die Person rechts, Thomas Fetzer, hält einen Blumenstrauß in der Hand.
ENGAGE.EU Coordinator Thomas Fetzer becomes new President of the University of Mannheim
The Professor of Law and current Vice President is set to take over from President Thomas Puhl in October.
Register for the ENGAGE.EU Staff Academy
The new course catalog for the coming summer semester is online and is open to all employees of the University of Mannheim. Apply now!
Studium Generale: Language courses at reduced prices for ENGAGE.EU languages
The program for the Studium Generale in the spring semester is online. On the occasion of the continued funding of ENGAGE.EU, the University of Mannheim has the opportunity to offer its students selected European languages for a reduced price of 15 euros. Registration starts on 5 February.
Universität von Toulouse mit dem Logo von Engage.EU links oben und dem Logo der Universität rechts oben.
Scholarship program for research funding to France
The call is aimed at young researchers from all disciplines. Specific call for applications for the Université Toulouse Capitole as an ENGAGE.EU partner.
Thomas Koenig und Anna Maria Rohe stehen nebeneinander hinter einem Pult vor einer Kreidetafel.
Successful launch of the ENGAGE.EU Local Learner Chapter
In fall 2023, the ENGAGE.EU Local Learner Chapters celebrated their premiere as a multifaceted semester program for students interested in Europe.
Eine lächelnde Person trägt ein hellblaues T-Shirt mit dem Logo der Uni Mannheim und steht auf der Mensawiese vor dem Schloss. Die Person heißt Anais Bentayeb..
Broaden Your Horizons with the Online Exchange Initiative
Interview with Anais Bentayeb: “It is a great opportunity to immerse yourself in another culture, get to know new approaches, and kind of take a step back from the way studying looks here in Mannheim.”
Auf einem Tisch stehen drei aufgeklappte Laptops. Eine Person zeigt auf einen Laptop auf welchem ein Graph zu sehen ist.
ENGAGE.EU Data Management Days 2024
3-day workshop from 6 to 8 March 2024 at the University of Toulouse Capitole in France with collaborative workshops, conferences anda panel of experts. Application deadline is Friday, 8 December 2023.