
Eine Gruppe von Menschen in schicker Kleidung steht nebeneinander auf einer Treppe in einem Gebäude.
Moving forward? Envisioning Societal Outreach for the Fifth Generation University
Between 12 to 14 October 2023, a conference dedicated to “Societal Outreach” took place at the University of Mannheim. The results of this productive meeting will be published in a conference book in 2024.
Eine große Gruppe an Menschen steht in schicker Kleidung auf einer Treppe vor einem Gebäude.
Annual Conference in Rome: A Look Back and Ahead
The ENGAGE.EU Annual Conference in Rome Celebrated Three Years of Work and Kicked-off the New Funding Phase of the Alliance
Ein silberner Pokal steht auf einem Regal. Hinter dem Regal steht ein Banner, auf dem folgendes zu lesen ist: "The european university engaged in societal changes".
ENGAGE.EU Learning Analytics: Awarded Papers
How do we measure the learning progress and performance of students? ENGAGE.EU is tackling this task as part of the “Organize ENGAGE.EU Learning Analytics Research” task. Lea Cohausz received the Best Paper Award.
ENGAGE.EU Joint Programme in Digital Transformation
From February to July 2024, participating master's students will have the opportunity to work with some of the largest tech and digital companies on innovative case studies and workshops. The application deadline is 30 October 2023.
Data science: Free online offer from the BERD Academy
Interactive online courses on data science and data management in October and November 2023. The offer is open to everyone.
Lecture Series “Data Science in Action” Will Continue in Fall 2023
The lecture series provides insights into the various application areas of data science and is open to all interested parties. Experts from the University of Mannheim and five other international universities are participating.
Die University of National and World Economy ist im Hintergrund. Links ist ein blauer Banner auf dem in weißer Schrift folgendes steht: "Engage.Eu Expedition. Topic: Sustainable Cities, 15-20 Oct 2023 UNWE Campus".
Call for Applications: ENGAGE.EU Expedition week in Sofia
A one-week learning experience from 15–20 october 2023 on “Sustainable Cities” at the University of National and World Economy in Bulgaria. Application deadline is 6 September 2023.
Vier Personen sitzen sich an einem Tisch gegenüber und unterhalten sich. Alle haben einen Laptop auf dem Tisch stehen.
Going to NHH Bergen with the ENGAGE.EU Expedition Week: Interview with Participant Yu-Chi Chen
“The Expedition Week is an exceptional way to enrich your education, make meaningful connections, and develop essential skills for your academic and professional future.”
Eine Gruppe von Menschen steht auf einer Treppe vor einem Gebäude.
ENGAGE.EU Expedition at NHH Bergen on Sustainability
The ENGAGE.EU Expedition is an interdisciplinary summer school for students from all over Europe. From 21 June to 30 June 2023, the NHH Norwegian School of Economics in Bergen organized an expedition on topic of a sustainability challenge.
ENGAGE.EU has reason to celebrate: Approval of new funding period
The European Commission has announced that the European University Alliance ENGAGE.EU will receive funding until 2027.