Das Mannheimer Barockschloss und der Ehrenhof unter blauem Himmel.

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As a member of “Freunde der Universität Mannheim” you will receive special access to the President's Office, chairs, professors and the knowledge culture of the university. You will receive periodic updates about developments at the university and invitations to special events, such as the Universitätstag.

In addition, our members show the University of Mannheim their gratitude for the excellent education they themselves, or people close to them have received at the university. Gratitude for an education that is essential for professional development.

On the one hand, our members consist of University of Mannheim graduates who have maintained a close relationship with the university for many years (individual members).
On the other hand, our commitment is supported by companies and institutions that are part of our association as well. If you would like to become a member, simply fill out the form below.

Declaration of membership

Freunde der Universität Mannheim e.V.

* Mandatory fields

Hiermit erkläre ich den Beitritt zum Förderverein

“Freunde der Universität Mannheim e. V.”

mit einem Mitgliedspreis

Ich ermächtige den Freunde der Universität Mannheim e.V., Zahlungen von meinem Konto mittels Lastschrift einzuziehen. Zugleich weise ich mein Kreditinstitut an, die von dem Freunde der Universität Mannheim e. V. auf mein Konto gezogenen Lastschriften einzulösen.

Hinweis: Ich kann innerhalb von 8 Wochen, beginnend mit dem Belastungsdatum, die Erstattung des belasteten Betrages verlangen. Es gelten dabei die mit meinem Kreditinstitut vereinbarten Bedingungen.
Ich zahle den Beitrag jährlich unaufgefordert auf das Konto des Vereins bei der Deutsche Bank Mannheim.

IBAN: DE78 6707 0010 0025 4706 00 – BIC: DEUTDESMXXX

“The University of Mannheim is one of the best universities in Germany. It has a strong focus on research and offers its students excellent preparation for careers in research or industry. I experienced this first-hand, and today, I am still closely involved with the University of Mannheim as a “friend”. Its innovative spirit helps find solutions to many challenges the university faces – that impresses me and needs to be supported.

Dr. Uwe Schroeder-Wildberg, chairman and CEO of MLP Finanzberatung SE / Credit: MLP