Carolin Bahm

Carolin Bahm

Survey Expert
University of Mannheim
UB, Research Data Center, GIP
Schloss – Raum SN 271
68161 Mannheim
  • Employment History and Education

    Employment History

    Month/Year Activity
    04/24 – present Survey Expert
    University of Mannheim Mannheim University Library
    Team German Internet Panel
    04/20 – 03/24 Research Assistant
    Institute for Social Pedagogical Research Mainz gGmbH
    05/19 – 03/20 Student Assistant
    Institute for Social Pedagogical Research Mainz gGmbH
    07/17 – 04/19 Student Assistant
    Johannes-Gutenberg-University Mainz
    Business and Economics Education Department
    10/15 – 09/16 Tutor
    Justus Liebig-University Gießen
    Methodology of international comparative social research
    04/15 – 11/16 Student Assistant
    Justus Liebig-University Gießen
    International Relations


    Month/Year Activity
    04/17 – 05/20 M.A. Sociology
    Johannes-Gutenberg-University Mainz
    Thesis: „‘Survival of the fittest?‘ An event history analysis of student attrition in German higher education using data from the National Educational Panel (NEPS)“
    10/13 – 09/16 B.A. Social Sciences
    Justus Liebig-University Gießen
    Thesis: „The correlation between social and political participation in Germany”