Short profile
Carina Hartmann-Dilzer has been a research assistant in the New Self-Employment team at the Institute for SME Research since April 2017. Carina Hartmann acts as a consultant in the selection process of start-up consultancies. Furthermore, she is currently working on the start-up-relevant resources of people with a refugee biography. In doing so, she draws on quantitative data sets from previous refugee cohorts as well as qualitative interviews that she conducts with key players from the areas of the labor market, education, integration and business start-ups. She is particularly interested in the questions of which alternative paths of labor market integration are possible for refugees and which types of (human) capital migrants rely on in their career choices in the host country.
Carina Hartmann-Dilzer studied Business Romance Studies at the University of Kassel and at the Universidad de las Américas Puebla in Mexico. She then completed her Master's degree in Culture and Economics at the University of Mannheim with a focus on Small and Medium Sized Companies and Entrepreneurship with stays abroad in Spain and Brazil.
Research interests:
- Entrepreneurial Diversity and Entrepreneurship of Minorities
- Incubators, Accelerators and Sustainable Entrepreneurship
- Critical management research
- Labor market integration of refugees
- SME policy
- SME-research collaboration with Eastern Partnership Countries
- Master plan for SMEs
- Scientific support for ALBA -start-up program for foreign founders by ProSocial Business e.V.
- Analyses on the start-up potential and labor market integration of refugees (AG²)
- Start-up potential of refugees – self-employment as a path to labor market integration
- Self-employment as a path to labor market integration
- Working in Germany – Potentials and obstacles to the integration of refugees into the labor markets of Baden-Württemberg's municipalities
- SME-research collaboration with Eastern Partnership Countries
Hartmann, C., and Philipp, R. (2022). Lost in space? Refugee Entrepreneurship and Cultural Diversity in Spatial Contexts. Advances in Economic Geography, 66 (3), 151–171.
Hartmann, C. (2022). Abschlussbericht der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung von alba. Mannheim: Institut für Mittelstandsforschung der Universität Mannheim.
Leicht, R., Hartmann, C., & Philipp, R. (2021). Das Gründungspotenzial von Geflüchteten. FES Diskurs. Bonn: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
Hartmann, C., and Güllü, E. (2020). Selbständigkeit als Weg der Arbeitsmarktintegration: Perspektiven aus dem Gründungsökosystem. In: AWV: Arbeitsmarktintegration von Geflüchteten: Handbuch für Praktiker aus öffentlicher Verwaltung, Kammern und Zivilgesellschaft.
Hartmann, C., and Schilling, K. (2019). Cham Saar: The First Syrian-German Cheese Manufacture. In: S. Heilbrunn, J. Freiling and A. Harima. Refugee entrepreneurship: A Case-based Topography. Palgrave Macmillan.
Hartmann, C., Leicht, R., and Sajons, C. (2018). Potenziale und Hemmnisse der Integration von Geflüchteten in den baden-württembergischen Arbeitsmarkt. GesellschaftsReport BW 4 -2018. Stuttgart: Statistisches Landesamt.
Hartmann, C., and Rauch, M. (2023) Researching with Diaries: Reflections and Methodological Considerations. PDW organized at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. August 4–8, Boston, USA.
Hartmann, C., Güllü, E., and Schilling, K. (2023) Inclusive or Exclusive? Investigating Discourses in the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem for Refugee Entrepreneurs in Germany, Migrant Entrepreneurship State of the art and perspectives. June 5–6, Sorbonne University Paris, Hybrid Panel.
Hartmann, C. and Dana, L. P. (2023) New venture creation by immigrants: Learnings from online diaries of founders, 8th Annual Entrepreneurship as Practice Conference and Symposium, March 29–31, Leuphana University, Lüneburg.
Hartmann C. and Dana, L.P. (2022) Ethnographic entrepreneurship research with founders‘ diaries, October 27, Scancor Seminar, Stanford University.
Hartmann, C., and Sajons, C. (2022). Boost or Penalty? The Effect of Entrepreneurial Experiences on Subsequent Employment Prospects of Immigrants.Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. August 5–9, Seattle, USA, Hybrid Panel.
Hartmann, C., Güllü, E., and Schilling, K. (2021) Refugee Entrepreneurship. Panacea for the societal challenge of socio-economic integration? Studying Paradox and Social issues. Paper Development Session of Academy of Management: Organization and Management Theory. May 25, Virtual Panel.
Hartmann, C., and Phillipp, R. (2021). Lost in Space? Immigrant Entrepreneurship and Cultural Diversity in Spatial Contexts. European Academy of Management Conference June 17 Québec à Montréal, CA, Virtual Panel.
Hartmann, C., Sajons, C. and Philipp, R. (2021). Intrapreneure der Zukunft oder langfristig marginalisiert? Effekte von Selbständigkeitserfahrungen auf den weiteren Karriereverlauf von Zugewanderten. Frühjahrstagung des Arbeitskreis die Arbeit der Selbständigen, June 4 Virtual Panel.
Hartmann, C., Sajons, C. and Philipp, R. (2021). Intrapreneurs of the future or marginalized in the long run? Entrepreneurial experiences and wage employment of immigrants Workshop Conducting Experiments in Entrepreneurship Research March 10–12, University of Groningen, NL.
Hartmann C., Leicht, R., and Philipp, R. (2019): Diversity (in)equality and immigrant entrepreneuship RENT conference, November 24–26,Berlin.
Güllü, E., Hartmann, C., and Schilling, K. (2019). Institutional Perspectives on Refugee Entrepreneurship. Workshop on Refugee Entrepreneurship. May 28, University of Lund, SE.
Hartmann C. (2019). Known Resources in an Unknown Field: Legitimacy Construction Processes of Incubators for Refugee Entrepreneur. Qualcor Meeting, March 6, Louvain la Neuve, BE.
Hartmann, C., Leicht, R. and Sajons, C. (2018). Potenziale und Hemmnisse der Integration von Geflüchteten in den baden-württembergischen Arbeitsmarkt. IQ Netzwertreffen Baden-Württemberg. November 5. Mannheim.
Hartmann C., Schilling K., and Güllü, E. (2018). Existenzgründung von Geflüchteten aus institutioneller Perspektive. G-Forum Annual Conference, October 10–12. Stuttgart.
Leicht, R., Hartmann, C., and Philipp R, (2018). Das Gründungspotenzial von Geflüchteten Selbständigkeit als Weg zur Arbeitsmarktintegration? Ergebnisworkshop und Expertenaustausch, November 14. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Berlin.
Hartmann C., and Isaak, A. (2017). A Resource-based Perspective on Start-up Consulting Proposals for Refugee Entrepreneurs. International Conference on Migration and Diaspora Entrepreneurship, November 30-December 1. Bremen.
Hartmann, C. (2017). Entrepreneurship as a Pathway to Economic Integration for Refugees? Quantitative Insights into the Resources of Former Immigration Cohorts in Germany. International Conference on Migration and Diaspora Entrepreneurship, November 30-December 1. Bremen.
Hartmann, C. and Isaak A. (2017). Evaluation of Start-up Consulting-Proposals for Refugees: Initial Results. MDE Workshop on Refugee Entrepreneurship, July 18. Bremen.