Dr. Robert Strohmeyer

Short profile

Robert Strohmeyer studied sociology, social psychology and statistics at the University of Mannheim. He finished his Ph.D. in management in 2019 at the University of Mannheim with summa cum laude and is currently a Senior Researcher at the Chair for SME Research and Entrepreneurship. He has (co-) authored several research reports and book chapters and published in refereed journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, as well as International Journal of Sociology. He has been awarded the 2008 Academy of Management’s (Entrepreneurship Division) as well as 2014 and 2015 Diana International Research Conference’s Best Paper Awards. He has conducted numerous entrepreneurship and SME-related research projects funded by German ministries (BMBF, BMWI), the European Commisssion and national research foundations (e.g., Fritz-Thyssen foundation). He was a Visiting Researcher at Stevens Institute for Technology, Hoboken (US) as well as University of Alberta, Edmonton (Canada). He has been teaching graduate and Ph.D. courses on entrepreneurship (such as Advanced Entrepreneurship, Research Seminar in Entrepreneurship, as well as Applied Econometrics in Entrepreneurship and Management Research).

Before going to college, he finished apprenticeship training in the craft sector and worked several years in various start-ups and small businesses.

Key Publications

For a List of Publications see Researchgate and Google Scholar.

Recent Awards

Recent projects


Dr. Robert Strohmeyer

Dr. Robert Strohmeyer

Academic Staff Member
Team: Entrepreneurship
University of Mannheim
Institute for SME Research and Entrepreneurship
Schloss – Room EO 264
68161 Mannheim