Tino Schöllhorn

Short profile

Tino Schöllhorn studied Business Informatics at the University of Mannheim from 1998 to 2003, focusing on Organization, Industrial Business Administration, Software Technology, and Software Analysis and Design. While pursuing his degree, he also co-founded a software and consulting company with a focus on Knowledge Management.

After completing his studies, he and his colleagues founded a new company with the goal of establishing a standard platform for building internet presences and online communities.

In addition to his professional work, he conducts research on “Self-Presentation of Organizations on the Internet,” building on ideas from his diploma thesis. He is particularly interested in methods for (semi-)automatically identifying organization-relevant data from the internet. His research interests also include business models of small and medium-sized IT companies, especially Open Source business models.

Since September 2007, Tino Schöllhorn has been a staff member at the Chair of SME Research and Entrepreneurship, where he is involved in teaching and supervising diploma and bachelor's theses.

Areas of Responsibility:

  • Teaching
  • Supervision of diploma theses

Research Areas:

  • Self-presentation of organizations on the internet
  • “Information economy” of small and medium-sized organizations
  • Business models of IT companies
  • Startup landscape in Germany


  • Schöllhorn, T., Wruk, D., Scheiber, F., Bort, S. (2014). What generates configurations of practices in organizational self-presentations? Working paper.
  • Oberg, A., Schöllhorn, T., & Woywode, M. (2008). Neue Methoden in der Betriebswirtschaftslehre am Beispiel von Internet-Analysen. Tagung der Kommission Wissenschaftstheorie, Zürich.
  • Oberg, A, & Schöllhorn, T. (2007). Organizational Fields in the World Wide Web. Working Paper.
  • Achim Oberg, Tino Schöllhorn & Michael Woywode (2004): “Isomorphism in Organizational Self-Representation in the WWW?” Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.


  • DFG Project: Diffusion and Adaptation of Modern Management Concepts
  • Usability of Application Software as a Competitive Factor for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
  • Internet/Intranet for SMEs
  • Isomorphism in Organizational Self-Presentation on the Internet
  • Legitimacy in the Organizational Field
  • Mapping Business Concepts
  • platforms2share: Interdisciplinary Research Project on Platform Economy
  • Social Software for Social Entrepreneurs
  • Competitive Structures on the Internet


Tino Schöllhorn

Tino Schöllhorn

Research Associate
Team: Digitalisation
University of Mannheim
Business School
Schloss – Room 214
68161 Mannheim