Report on the topic “Female founders with refugee experience”

Brief report for the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Women, Senior Citizens and Youth

Rene Leicht and Ramona Lange present the short report for the project “Frauen mit Fluchterfahrung gründen: Experiences, results and recommendations for action”, which was carried out on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Women, Senior Citizens and Youth and for the project organiser jumpp. The results show the conditions under which self-employment is a more suitable entry into the labour market for women who have experienced flight. The results of the study will soon be presented at the Federal Conference of Integration Officers.

Even before the coronavirus pandemic, the labour market integration of refugees was quicker and more successful than initially feared. However, this does not apply to both genders: in 2018, 45% of men had a job, but only 13% of women. Although female refugees now attend language and integration courses more frequently than before, they are less likely than men to get a job and are also less active in their job search. One of the reasons for this is that it is primarily women who take on family responsibilities and childcare. In addition, women with refugee experience have a slightly lower level of education and, above all, less work experience than their male counterparts. 

Overall, these are difficult starting conditions for getting a job in companies in Germany. But even if the refugee women manage to enter the labour market, they are on average paid less than others in comparable positions. In their report, Rene Leicht and Ramona Lange explore the question of whether and under what conditions self-employment offers women opportunities to overcome the hurdles in the labour market. The authors report on direct start-up experiences, the results of their analyses and make recommendations for policy action.

For further information, please contact René Leicht:
