Ein Manm malt mit einem Pinsel auf einer Wand. Im Hintergrund ist das Schloss zu erkennen.

Kulturkreis Scholarship (formerly Bronnbach Scholarship)

Inspiration, creativity, intuition, and the ability to change perspectives are prerequisites for long-term success in today’s world of business and knowledge.

The Association of Arts and Culture of the German Economy (Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft) has launched the scholarship program to enable future business leaders to develop their cultural skills. Students explore new creative approaches on how to cope with challenges of professional life and acquire skills to assume social responsibility. This happens through direct exchange with artists from the fields of architecture, fine arts, music, dance, and theater.

The scholarship’s cultural education programs center on “cultural skills for future business leaders” and sponsors scholarship holders for one year.

For further information, please visit the homepage of the Association of Arts and Culture of the German Economy.

Drei Personen sitzen nenbeneinander und musizieren zusammen. Eine Person sitzt an einem Klavier, eine andere spielt Gitarre.
The Art of Leading

Each new cohort of the Kulturkreis Scholarship recipients traditionally spends the opening weekend at the Bronnbach Monastery near Würzburg. But what actually happens there? Lea Rauh, who is working on her master’s degree in the Mannheim Master in Management, was a scholarship recipient in the 19th cohort and has recorded her impressions for the university's magazine FORUM.

Application process

  • Requirements

    The scholarship is intended for both students pursuing a master's degree and doctoral candidates. Alumni and students of a bachelor's program with outstanding qualifications are also eligible to apply. With the exemption of art studies, students from all fields can apply for the one-year cultural scholarship. However, the funding program is primarily aimed at students enrolled in business, economics or law programs. In addition to outstanding grades, applicants should have an open personality and should be willing to get involved in artistic processes. Furthermore, they should be motivated to assume social responsibility.

    The program will be held in German language. Therefore excellent German skills are obligatory.

    The annual program begins with a kick-off weekend. Subsequently, the events of the 22nd year will take place from March 2025 to February 2026 in an approximately monthly rhythm. Participation in all events is mandatory.

  • Application deadlines

    The application period for the Kulturkreis Scholarship 2025 is running from now on until 19 January 2025.

  • Selection process

    The scholarship holders are selected in a two-stage process: In the first stage, the Association of Arts and Culture of the German Economy and the university nominate a shortlist of candidates from all the applications received. These will be invited to a personal interview at the University of Mannheim at the End of February.

Please submit the following documents

  • Letter of motivation

    Please add a one-page letter of motivation in German.

  • Curriculum vitae

    Please submit a detailed, current curriculum vitae (CV) in German.

  • University entrance qualification

    Please enclose your university entrance qualification (e.g. Abitur or equivalent qualification).

  • Enrollment certificate

    Please present a valid enrollment certificate of the University of Mannheim.

  • Proof of examinations

    Please include evidence of the examinations you took, e.g. Vordiplom or intermediate exams. Instead, you can also provide certificates of performance to prove your educational achievements and competences.

Submitting your application

Please submit your application as a single PFD file to Fabian Zimpel, Association of Arts and Culture of the German Economy: f.zimpelmail-kulturkreis.eu.