Elite Sports Scholarship Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region
Top-level athletes often experience increased stress-levels during their studies. Their busy training schedules and participation in competitions do not leave much time to prepare for classes and examinations. However, experience gained in sports also enables them to score high in their academic performance, provided that the conditions are right. The Greinert Family and the Dietmar Hopp Foundation sponsor top-level athletes during their studies through the Elite Sports Scholarship Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region.
The scholarship holders receive EUR 200 each month for a period of at least two semesters. Student athletes who already benefit from another source of funding receive EUR 100 each month. An extension of the scholarship can be requested depending on the student's athletic achievements and provided that the requirements of the degree program are met.
In addition, the scholarship program provides student athletes with assistance in their studies, e.g. by financing the participation in tutorials, coordinating degree plans and exam schedules, and, if necessary, extending their standard period of study. Furthermore, the advisor for elite athletes is your personal point of contact, for example, in case that examination and competition dates overlap. The scholarship holders also receive support from the mentors and professors at the university.
The University of Mannheim has been a partner university of top-level sports since 2003.
read more about the Elite Sports Scholarship Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region