Neuer Beitrag im Sammelband „Women's Entrepreneur­ship in Europe“ von Nora Zybura, Katharina Schilling, Ralf Philipp und Michael Woywode

Ifm-Beitrag von Nora Zybura, Katharina Schilling, Ralf Philipp und Michael Woywode im Sammelband „Women’s Entrepreneur­ship in Europe – Multidimensional Research and Case Study Insights“ erschienen

Im Rahmen der Reihe FGF Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneur­ship ist der Sammelband „Women’s Entrepreneur­ship in Europe – Multidimensional Research and Case Study Insights“ (herausgegeben von Stephanie Birkner, Kerstin Ettl, Friederike Welter, Ilona Ebbers) im Springer Verlag erschienen.

In diesem Band wurde auch der Beitrag „Female Migrant Entrepreneur­ship in Germany: Determinants and Recent Developments“ von Nora Zybura, Katharina Schilling, Ralf Philipp und Michael Woywode veröffentlicht.



Although female migrant entrepreneur­ship has gained some momentum during the last decade, research on it is limited, and empirical findings in the German context remain scarce. The entrepreneurial activities of female migrants have long been ascribed to certain industries. Their businesses often remain small with limited prospects for revenue. However, recent developments indicate some emerging changes in terms of female migrant entrepreneur­ship. Based on the empirical data of the German microcensus, we analyze structural characteristics of female migrant entrepreneur­ship and its development in Germany between 2005 and 2016. We further examine how selected determinants (qualification, occupational segregation, family responsibilities) can explain these developments, and how these determinants affect the propensity of female migrants to become self-employed. Our findings cast new light on country-specific aspects of female migrant entrepreneur­ship and how entrepreneurial activities of female migrants and selected determinants differ from their native co­unter­parts.
