George Serafeim
Harvard Business School
October 18, 2021 – 05:00 – 06:15 PM (CET)
Live virtual event: please register for this talk via Zoom
Speaker Bio
George Serafeim is the Charles M. Williams Professor of Business Administration and the Faculty Chair of the Impact-Weighted Accounts Project at Harvard Business School. He has taught courses in the MBA, executive education, and doctoral programs, and is currently teaching the elective course “Reimagining Capitalism: Business and Big Problems” in the MBA curriculum, which received the Ideas Worth Teaching Award from the Aspen Institute and the Grand Page Prize. He has presented his research in over 60 countries around the world, including to world leaders in government and business at events such as the World Economic Forum at Davos and the Aspen Ideas Festival. He ranks among the top 10 most popular authors out of over 12,000 business authors on the Social Science Research Network.
Admission information
The seminar is open to the public. Registration will be open approximately two weeks before the event.
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