Michael Pahle

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
September 27, 2023
This talk is part of the Symposium on „Carbon Emission Pledges and Corporate Decarbonization Initiatives” in Frankfurt. Admission will be based on invitation only due to limited seating capacity.
Speaker Bio
Michael Pahle is head of the working group “Climate and Energy Policy” at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). He holds a PhD in economics from TU Berlin. His research focuses on emission trading systems, public support for carbon pricing, and regulatory frameworks to achieve net-zero. He is Principle Investigator on “European Climate and Energy Policy” in the BMBF Ariadne Project, Germany’s largest social science Energiewende research project. Based on his research, Michael advises the German government and parliament, the EU Commission and the EU Parliament on the development, reform and extension of emission trading. In that capacity he collaborates with leading think tanks in the EU, including the European University Institute based in Florenz and Bruegel based in Brussels. Furthermore, he is a member of the Global Climate Policy Partnership, a US-based global network of research institutions to help major economies and businesses achieve ambitious climate goals. Michael’s work and views on climate policy have been covered in leading national and international media outlets, including FAZ, Spiegel, Süddeutsche, Zeit, Handelsblatt, El País, Politiken, Euractiv, Financial Times, Bloomberg, New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal.
Admission information
Admission for this talk will be based on invitation only due to limited seating capacity.