Corporate Decarbonization: CO2 footprints, reduction targets, and abatement costs

Jürgen Peterseim
May 23, 2022 – 05:00 – 06:15 PM (CET)
Live virtual event: please register for this talk via Zoom


Speaker Bio
Jürgen Peterseim is a senior professional with more than 15 years experience in power plant design, industrial process analysis and optimisation, strategy development and product commercialisation. His core expertise is around energy efficiency and low carbon/green energy sources for industry (electricity, heating and cooling). Juergen Peterseim has developed technology solutions for industrial clients from the identification of market needs, via idea creation/patenting, to product commercialisation. Before joining PwC in 2019 Juergen Peterseim was working for an industrial engineering company active in oil & gas, distributed energy generation, industrial energy efficiency, and energy storage. In parallel to his PwC role he is an Adjunct Professor, which enables research and industry synergies and latest insights into trends and developments.


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