Product CO2-sting at scale at BASF

Jochen Kurtz and Alessandro Pistillo 
February 27, 2023 – 05:15 – 06:30 PM (CET)

To join in person, just come to the room O 129 (i.e., in the castle, building Ostflügel, level 1, room 29). To join virtually, please register in advance using this link.

Speaker Bio
Jochen Kurtz
is Vice President for Group Performance Management & Analytics at BASF. As Corporate Controller, he is not only taking care of the financial performance of BASF, he is also in charge of the sustainability reporting & controlling within BASF. He has more than 25 years of leader­ship experience in finance, controlling, and digitalization within BASF in Germany and Belgium. He studied Business Administration at the University of Mannheim and earned a Ph.D. in Economics from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz based on a thesis on Circular Economy.

Alessandro Pistillo is Director – Digital Strategic Projects in the Corporate Development Department of BASF. He especially focuses on customer experience and at the intersection between digital and sustainability. Currently he is driving the establishment of a business eco­system to foster standardization and trans­parency ingreenhouse gas emissions data. Prior to his current role he has been covering various leader­ship positions in product management, marketing, sales, strategy, and engineering during his over 20-year tenure in BASF Group, based out of Germany, Switzerland and China. Alessandro is chemical engineer by education.

Seminar Abstract
The accounting of product-level carbon emission is of critical importance for companies, not only for disclosure requirements but also to steer and track decarbonization efforts. BASF has set-up a comprehensive program and a robust tool-set to determine the product carbon footprint of its entire portfolio of 45,000 products. At the same time, it is actively engaging with peers, customers, suppliers and partners to drive carbon footprint trans­parency in value chains.

Admission information
The seminar is open to the public. To receive invitations for upcoming seminar talks, please sign up for the mailing list via this form.