Drei Personen sitzen draußen auf dem Unigelände mit Laptop, Tablet und Unterlagen und schauen sich etwas auf dem Tablet an.

Welcome Center for International Scholars

The Welcome Center of the International Office is the central service center for international researchers at the University of Mannheim.  We provide international researchers with information, personal advice and targeted support during the entire relocation process from the preparation of your arrival through to your departure.

We also advise host chairs and faculty supervisors before inviting international researchers and are available to answer questions related to the relocation process.

Registration of International Scholars by the Chairs and Institutes

We ask all chairs and institutes to inform us about their plans to invite an international researcher ideally 3–4 months in advance.

Please complete a short registration form. As soon as we receive it, we will begin assisting you and your guest in all non-academic matters long before his or her arrival and/or start of employment.


Here, international researchers will find comprehensive information about all necessary formalities to be dealt with before and during their stay at the University of Mannheim:

  • Preparing the relocation
  • Things to do upon your arrival
  • Changes during your stay
  • Things to do before your departure
Der obere Teil eines Gebäudes aus gelben Steinen und verschieden großen Fenstern. Die Hälfte des Bildes zeigt einen blauen Himmel mit weißen Wolken.
Guesthouse and International Meeting Center (IBZ)

The Guesthouse offers temporary accommodation in the immediate vicinity of the campus. Please make your reservation as early as possible as we only have a limited number of apartments available.

The International Meeting Center offers tenants of the Guesthouse and university staff a place for intercultural exchange.


Dr. Johanna Fernández Castro

Dr. Johanna Fernández Castro (she/her)

Team Lead Welcome Center & Advisor for International Academics
University of Mannheim
Divsion II – Student Affairs
International Office / Welcome Center
L 2, 2–4 – Room 117
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
by appointment only
Office hours:
Working from home Mon and Wed
Julia Potapov

Julia Potapov

Advisor for International Academics
University of Mannheim
Divison II – Student Affairs
International Office / Welcome Center
L 2, 2–4 – Room 117
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
by appointment only
Office hours:
Working from home Wed and Thu
Sayuri Drengemann

Sayuri Drengemann

Advisor for International Academics
University of Mannheim
Divison II – Student Affairs
International Office / Welcome Center
L 2, 2–4 – Room 117
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
by appointment only
Office hours:
Working from home Mon and Thu
Uwe Fruth

Uwe Fruth (he/him)

Guesthouse Administrator
University of Mannheim
Division II – Student Affairs
International Office / Welcome Center
L 2, 2–4 – Room 001
68161 Mannheim
Phone: +49 621 181-3222
Fax: +49 621 181-3226
E-mail: guesthousemail-uni-mannheim.de

The Welcome Center of the University of Mannheim is an EURAXESS Service Center and member of the EURAXESS network.