Zwei internationale Forscherinnen halten einen Standglobus in der Hand, während die eine auf Belgien zeigt und die andere auf die Türkei.

Preparing the Relocation

Organizing a stay in another country requires thorough preparation. Start planning early on, as some matters like visa application or finding accommodation may take some time. In the following, we have compiled the aspects that should be on the top of your priority list.

Important Documents
Visa and Entry
Finding Accomodation
Health Insurance
Bank Account
Child Care

Disclaimer: We are continuously checking the contents of the information materials published by the Welcome Center. However, we do not assume liability for these contents. All materials are for general information purposes only and cannot be binding for every individual case. The information provided is not necessarily complete, comprehensive or up-to-date. We do not give legal advice nor legally binding information. Neither can we substitute for information given by experts in individual cases.


The ultimate definition of luxury is having your needs taken care of before you even realize you have them. The Welcome Center fits that definition perfectly. The Welcome Center understands the needs of foreigners and solves them efficiently and correctly.

Marc Gabarro, Assistant Professor for Corporate Finance, Spain / Photo credit: Anna Logue


Julia Potapov

Julia Potapov

Advisor for International Academics
University of Mannheim
Divison II – Student Affairs
International Office / Welcome Center
L 2, 2–4 – Room 117
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
by appointment only
Office hours:
Working from home Wed and Thu
Sayuri Drengemann

Sayuri Drengemann

Advisor for International Academics
University of Mannheim
Divison II – Student Affairs
International Office / Welcome Center
L 2, 2–4 – Room 117
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
by appointment only
Office hours:
Working from home Mon and Thu
Dr. Johanna Fernández Castro

Dr. Johanna Fernández Castro (she/her)

Team Lead Welcome Center & Advisor for International Academics
University of Mannheim
Divsion II – Student Affairs
International Office / Welcome Center
L 2, 2–4 – Room 117
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
by appointment only
Office hours:
Working from home Mon and Wed