Jens Burchardt

Boston Consulting Group
Navigating the road to net zero –in an energy crisis
October 10, 2022 – 05:15 – 06:30 PM (CEST)
This talk is virtual only. To join, please register using this link.
Seminar Abstract
We are in a decade of truth on decarbonization: Germany needs to implement historic measures to almost halve emissions by 2030 – but is currently ramping up coal and LNG consumption to compensate acute gas shortages. How can we re-establish supply security and still bring down emissions? What needs to happen to achieve Germany’s climate targets this decade? How can companies successfully navigate the transformation ahead and create value from decarbonization?
Speaker Bio
Jens Burchardt is BCG’s global expert on climate change with ~12 years of international project experience on climate impact, the energy transition and low-emission technologies (renewables, hydrogen, power-to-x, CCUS,…). Advisor to the World Economic Forum (WEF), COP26 and several German government commissions on climate. TED Speaker. Led BCG’s landmark emission reduction studies “Klimapfade für Deutschland” (“Climate Paths for Germany”) in collaboration with the German industry.
Admission information
The seminar is open to the public. To join, please register using this link. To receive invitations for upcoming seminar talks, please sign up for the mailing list via this form.