Decarbonization Seminar Fall 2022

The Decarbonization Seminar in Fall 2022 hosted speakers and participants from academia and industry to discuss latest advances and challenges associated with the trans­ition towards a decarbonized energy economy. 

The seminar was jointly sponsored by the Mannheim Institute for Sustainable Energy Studies (MISES) and the Center for European Economic Research (ZEW). The organizing team was comprised of Gunther Glenk (MISES), Marion Ott (ZEW), and Nikolas Wölfing (MISES).

You find the current version of the seminar here.

Past Talks

Thorsten Sellhorn
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

Paris-Aligned IFRS Financial Statements
Monday, September 19, 2022 – 05:15 – 06:30 PM (CEST)

Jens Burchardt
Boston Consulting Group

Navigating the road to net zero – in an energy crisis
Monday, October 10, 2022 – 05:15 – 06:30 PM (CEST)

Jody Grewal
University of Toronto

The Effect of Mandatory Carbon Reporting on Greenwashing
Monday, October 17, 2022 – 05:15 – 06:30 PM (CEST)

Bjarne Steffen 
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich

Effective policy interventions to decarbonize the global road freight sector
Monday, October 24, 2022 – 05:15 – 06:30 PM (CEST)
Location: room O 129 and Zoom, register here

Julian Kölbel 
University of St. Gallen

Who Pays for Sustainability? An Analysis of Sustainability-Linked Bonds
Monday, October 31, 2022 – 05:15 – 06:30 PM (CET)
Location: Zoom, register here

Erin Mansur
Dartmouth College

Decarbonization and Electrification in the Long Run
Monday, November 7, 2022 – 05:15 – 06:30 PM (CET)
Location: room O 129 and Zoom, register here

Koichiro Ito
University of Chicago

The Dynamic Impact of Market Integration: Evidence from Renewable Energy Expansion in Chile
Monday, November 14, 2022 – 05:15 – 06:30 PM (CET)
Location: Zoom, register here

Saori Dubourg

Energy trans­formation for the chemical industry – challenges and approaches on the path to net zero
, November 23, 2022 – 05:15 – 06:30 PM (CET)
Location: room O 131 and Zoom, register here

Marshall Burke
Stanford University

Attributing local climate damages to specific emitters
Monday, December 5, 2022 – 05:15 – 06:30 PM (CET)
Location: Zoom, register here