Aktuelle Working Paper
- Bach, A., Onori, S., Reichelstein, S. und Zhuang, J. (2024). Fair market valuation of electric vehicle batteries in second life applications. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G. (2024). Corporate carbon accounting: Current practices and opportunities for research. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G. (2024). Decision-useful carbon information. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G., Meier, R. und Reichelstein, S. (2024). Assessing the costs of industrial decarbonization. ZEW Discussion Papers, 24–061. Mannheim.
- Reichelstein, S. (2024). Innovations in corporate carbon accounting. Mannheim.
- Comello, S., Reichelstein, J. und Reichelstein, S. (2023). Corporate carbon reporting: Improving transparency and accountability. ZEW Discussion Papers, 23–026. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G. (2023). Toward decision-useful carbon information. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G., Kelnhofer, A., Meier, R. und Reichelstein, S. (2023). Cost-efficient pathways to decarbonizing Portland cement production. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G., Kelnhofer, A., Meier, R. und Reichelstein, S. (2023). Cost-efficient pathways to decarbonizing Portland cement production. ZEW Discussion Papers, 23–023. Mannheim.
- Landaverde Lorenzo, T., Liebmann, P., Meier, R., Sutherland, M. und Reichelstein, S. (2023). Heidelberg materials: Assessing product carbon footprints. Case studies, SM-365. Stanford, CA: Stanford Graduate School of Business.
- Reichelstein, S. (2023). Carbon emission statements: Balance sheets and flow statements. ZEW Discussion Papers, 23–065. Mannheim.
- Reichelstein, S. (2023). Corporate carbon accounting: balance sheets and flow statements. Mannheim: Mannheim Institute for Sustainable Energy Studies.
- Zhuang, J., Bach, A., van Vlijmen, B. H. C., Reichelstein, S., Chueh, W., Onori, S. und Benson, S. M. (2023). A decision-making model for retired Li-ion batteries. Mannheim.
- Cohen, S., Kadach, I., Ormazabal, G. und Reichelstein, S. (2022). Executive compensation tied to ESG performance: International evidence. Mannheim.
- Cohen, S., Kadach, I., Ormazabal, G. und Reichelstein, S. (2022). Executive compensation tied to ESG performance: International evidence. ZEW Discussion Papers, 22–051. Mannheim.
- Comello, S., Reichelstein, J. und Reichelstein, S. (2022). Transparency on the Path to Net-Zero. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G., Holler, P. und Reichelstein, S. (2022). Advances in Power-to-Gas technologies: cost and conversion efficiency. Mannheim.
- Kaplan, R. S., Ramanna, K. und Reichelstein, S. (2022). Measuring product carbon footprints from cradle to gate. Mannheim.
- Reichelstein, S. (2022). Corporate Carbon Emission Statements. Mannheim.
- Reichelstein, S. (2022). Corporate carbon emission statements. ZEW Discussion Papers, 22–052. Mannheim.
- Bolton, P., Kacperczyk, M. T., Leuz, C., Ormazabal, G., Reichelstein, S. und Schoenmaker, D. (2021). Mandatory Corporate Carbon Disclosures and the Path to Net Zero. CEPR Policy Insight, 111. London: Centre for Economic Policy Research.
- Comello, S., Reichelstein, J. und Reichelstein, S. (2021). Corporate carbon reduction pledges: An effective tool to mitigate climate change? Mannheim.
- Comello, S., Reichelstein, J. und Reichelstein, S. (2021). Corporate carbon reduction pledges: An effective tool to mitigate climate change? ZEW Discussion Papers, 21–052. Mannheim.
- Comello, S., Reichelstein, J. und Reichelstein, S. (2021). Intertemporal Corporate Carbon Reporting. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G., Meier, R. und Reichelstein, S. (2021). Clean energy technologies: Dynamics of cost and price. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G., Meier, R. und Reichelstein, S. (2021). Cost dynamics of clean energy technologies. ZEW Discussion Papers, 21–054. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G. und Reichelstein, S. (2021). Energy conversion and storage: The value of reversible Power-to-Gas systems. ZEW Discussion Papers, 21–053. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G. und Reichelstein, S. (2021). Energy conversion and storage: the value of reversible Power-to-Gas systems. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G. und Reichelstein, S. (2021). Intermittent versus dispatchable power sources: An integrated competitive assessment. TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency Working Papers Series, 58. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G. und Reichelstein, S. (2021). Intermittent versus dispatchable power sources: An integrated competitive assessment. ZEW Discussion Papers, 21–065. Mannheim.
- Bach, A. und Bischof, J. (2020). Real effects of internal information allocation: Evidence from a field experiment.
Working Paper Series / TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency, SFB/
Transregio 266, 42. Mannheim [u.a.]: TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency. - Comello, S., Glenk, G. und Reichelstein, S. (2020). Cost-efficient transition to clean energy transportation services. Mannheim.
- Comello, S., Glenk, G. und Reichelstein, S. (2020). Cost-efficient transition to clean energy transportation services. ZEW Discussion Papers, 20–054. Mannheim.
- Downar, B., Ernstberger, J., Reichelstein, S., Schwenen, S. und Zaklan, A. (2020). The impact of carbon disclosure mandates on emissions and financial operating performance. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G. und Reichelstein, S. (2020). Buffering the volatility in power markets: Reversible Power-to-Gas systems. Mannheim.