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Two Papers accepted for NeuRIPS 2025 Datasets and Benchmarks Track
We are happy to announce that the papers “TGB 2.0: A Benchmark for Learning on Temporal Knowledge Graphs and Heterogeneous Graphs” by Julia Gastinger and others “A Data-Centric Perspective on Evaluating Machine Learning Models for Tabular Data” by Andrej Zschalzev and others have been accepted ...
Drones Delivering Lab Samples Offer Much Potential for City Logistics
After three years, researchers of the Institute for Enterprise Systems (InES) of the University of Mannheim and six other project partners have successfully completed the “mobil-e-Hub” project. At the closing event, which took place in Heidelberg last week, they showed how a drone can automatically ...
Does your smartphone make you healthier? – User Behavior Mining for mHealth
A presentation by Prof. Dr. Jana-Rebecca Rehse at the 2022 Eduard-Martin award ceremony at the Saarland University
Runner-Up Best Paper Award
“Runner-Up Best Paper” awarded to Luka Abb and Prof. Dr. Jana-Rebecca Rehse at BPM 2022
Forschungsgruppe AISE gewinnt Bundeswettbewerb
21.06.2022 Berlin.     Die Forschungsgruppe AI Systems Engineering (AISE) von Dr. Christian Bartelt war zusammen mit Forschern des Fraunhofer IAO erfolgreich mit ihrem Antrag auf Forschungsförderung zum Thema „intelligenter“, klimafreundlicher Gütertransport. „Digitale Plattform zur Steuerung einer ...
Research project „Conformance Checking with Regulations“ starts off with financial support by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
The research project „Combining Process Mining and Reference Models for Improving Daily Practices and Regulations – Conformance Checking with Regulations (CheR)” gets funded by the German Research Foundation and starts off in November.
Fulbright Scholarship for Michael Pernpeintner
Michael Pernpeinter, PhD Student in the AI Group successfully applied for a Fulbrigth Scholarship to visit Texas A&M University and work with Prof. Guni Sharon on Governance of Autonomous Multi-Agent Systems.
Paper Accepted for the IEEE Conference on AI Testing
The paper “Towards Trace-Graphs for Data-driven Test Case Mining in the Domain of Automated Driving” by Noah Metzger, Lars Hoffmann, Christian Bartelt, Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Michael Wommer and Maria Belen Bescos del Castillo has been accepted for the Third IEEE International Conference on ...