Bachelor and Master Theses Offerings
If you want to write your bachelor or master thesis with one of the researchers at the InES, please follow the guidelines below.
1. Research Areas
In general we provide topics (subject to availability) in the research areas of the scientific staff. These are:
- Software Engineering Track
- Software Architectures such as Microservice
- API-driven Service Composition
- Models for Security
- AI-supported Software Engineering Processes
- Data-Driven Testing
- Artificial Intelligence Track
- Data-Streams and Missing Data
- Controling Mechanisms for Multi-Agent-Systems
- NLP for Requirements Engineering
- Explainable for Artificial Intelligence
- Software Engineering Track
2. Writing Exposé
When we have topics and capacity in your selected research area available, the responsible researcher will contact you to discuss a concrete topic for your thesis project with you. Before you can start your thesis project, you will have to write an exposé about your concrete topic. The exposé intends to clarify the expectations of you and your supervisor on the content and deliverables of your thesis project.
In general the exposé should:
- be at least two pages long (excluding references)
- include the following sections:
- Background & motivation
- Goals of the thesis
- Work plan
Your supervisor might adjust these general requirements to fit your individual thesis project. After the submission of your exposé, your supervisor will decide whether he accepts your exposé or not. Once your exposé was accepted by your supervisor you can start with your thesis project.
3. Thesis Project
During your thesis project, you are responsible for ensuring that your thesis project makes progress. It is also your responsibility to schedule meetings with your supervisor when you need advice or want to discuss your intermediate results. It is highly recommended that you schedule regular meetings with your supervisor to discuss the progress and further direction of your thesis project!
To write your thesis report you have to use the provided LATEX template and the thesis has to be written in English. It is highly recommended that you discuss your planned outline with your supervisor before you start writing your thesis report. The main part of the thesis report should focus on the results that you obtained during your thesis project and should not contain additional material that is not necessary to understand the content of the report (e.g., long code listings, data tables, …). For such additional materials, the appendix can be used.
4. Submission
At the closing date of your thesis project, you have to hand in your work to the secretary’s office of Prof. Stuckenschmidt (B6, 26 – Room B1.21). To make sure that someone is available to take your submission, you should make an appointment upfront. You have to hand in two printed copies of your written report. In addition to the printed copies of your report, you have to hand in the same amount of CDs/
USB-Sticks that contain any source code you have written, data you have used, and instructions for installing and running your source code. Discuss with your supervisor, whether he has any additional requirements for your submission.
To apply for a thesis, please send an email with your transcript of records, CV, and the research area that your are most interested in to Andrej Tschalzev. We are also open for topic suggestions, when the proposed topic generally fits into one of the listed research areas.