Generally, all e-mails at the University of Mannheim are being checked for viruses. However, from time to time spam e-mails are disguised in such a way that it is not recognized by our filters. Therefore, the information security team recommends setting up a personal spam filter. We use the example of the “Höhle der Löwen” spam to show you how you can set up a personal filter for Outlook or Thunderbird.
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Bitte folgen Sie dem Link, um einen Spam-Filter für Horde einzurichten.
Define your keywords by searching for specific text blocks. If you receive e-mails with the following subject line:
=> Then use the keywords macht Deutsche Bürger reich for your filter, since both subject lines contain these keywords.
Avoid searching for single words
If you use keywords like “Hello”, the spam filter searches all e-mails for “Hello”. Always use a text pattern such as for example: