The following information applies to EU citizens as well as to citizens of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, who are spending time abroad, provided that they are not employed by the University of Mannheim:
If you are insured on a voluntary basis or covered by statutory health insurance in your home country, you may make use of the health services in other EU countries, as well as in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, and have the costs reimbursed by your domestic health insurance scheme.
If you consult a doctor or use other medical services within the EU, you will initially have to pay the costs of the treatment on the spot and then submit the receipts to your insurance scheme in your home country. The costs will then be reimbursed at the same level as they would if they had been incurred for treatment in your home country; you will have to bear any excess costs yourself.
In the case of hospital treatment in another EU country, the approval of the health insurance scheme in your home country must be obtained in advance. I