Private Health Insurance for Civil Servants

As a (junior) professor or Akademische/r Rat/Rätin (senior instructor with tenure) you will receive civil servant status. You must therefore take out private health insurance. Civil servants receive so-called Beihilfe from the Landesamt für Besoldung und Versorgung. The Welcome Center will support and individually advise you in any health insurance matters.

Please note: taking out private health insurance as a civil servant will take some time as you usually need to have a health check after your arrival in Mannheim. Private health insurance providers include different treatments in their coverage and determine the amount of health insurance payments depending on several factors, such as age, health status, contract duration etc.

Important notice: You also need to have health insurance for the period between entry and the beginning of your private health insurance contract. We recommend purchasing travel insurance for the first four to eight weeks of your stay while still in your home country.

Please choose a private health insurance provider before your arrival, so we can make the necessary preparations. Please make sure that your private health insurance policy can be combined with Beihilfe.

A list of all private health insurance providers can be found on the website of the Verband der privaten Krankenversicherungen e.V.


Julia Potapov

Julia Potapov

Advisor for International Academics
University of Mannheim
Divison II – Student Affairs
International Office / Welcome Center
L 2, 2–4 – Room 117
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
by appointment only
Office hours:
Working from home Wed and Thu
Sayuri Drengemann

Sayuri Drengemann

Advisor for International Academics
University of Mannheim
Divison II – Student Affairs
International Office / Welcome Center
L 2, 2–4 – Room 117
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
by appointment only
Office hours:
Working from home Mon and Thu
Dr. Johanna Fernández Castro

Dr. Johanna Fernández Castro (she/her)

Team Lead Welcome Center & Advisor for International Academics
University of Mannheim
Divsion II – Student Affairs
International Office / Welcome Center
L 2, 2–4 – Room 117
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
by appointment only
Office hours:
Working from home Mon and Wed