Vier Studierende sitzen an einem Tisch und lernen gemeinsam.

For Companies

InES offers a wide range of research activities. In cooperation with our partners, we investigate complex, non-trivial questions from practice and develop scientifically sound explanatory and solution approaches. Our research is characterized by a plurality of methods and includes both the implementation of empirical studies based on qualitative and quantitative research methods as well as design-oriented approaches for the creation of prototypes.

InES works with SMEs and large companies. Our partners are:

  • Software vendors
  • Service companies
  • User companies 

We cooperate directly with our partners and in the realm of public-founded projects. An overview of our projects can be found here.


Dr. Christian Bartelt

Dr. Christian Bartelt

Managing Director Institute for Enterprise Systems
University of Mannheim
Institut für Enterprise Systems
L 15, 1–6 – Room 417
68161 Mannheim