Research Interests
- Natural Language Processing for Requirements Engineering
- Conversational Agents for Requirements Engineering
- Data-Driven GUI Prototyping
- NLP for Requirements Engineering and Data-Driven GUI Prototyping
Short CV
Since 2018 | Research Assistant at the Institute of Enterprise Systems |
2015 – 2018 | Master of Science in Business Informatics at the University of Mannheim |
2012 – 2015 | Bachelor of Science in Business Informatics at the University of Mannheim |
- Kolthoff, K., Bartelt, C. and Ponzetto, S. P. (2023). Correction to: Data-driven prototyping via natural- language-based GUI retrieval. Automated Software Engineering, 30, 1–2.
- Kolthoff, K., Bartelt, C. and Ponzetto, S. P. (2023). Data-driven prototyping via natural-language-based GUI retrieval. Automated Software Engineering, 30, 1–34.
- Kolthoff, K., Bartelt, C., Ponzetto, S. P. and Schneider, K. (2024). Self-elicitation of requirements with automated GUI prototyping.
In , Proceedings of the 39th IEEE/
ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering : ASE 2024 : October 28 – November 1, 2024, Sacramento, California, USA (S. 2354-2357). , IEEE/ ACM: Sacramento, CA, USA. - Kolthoff, K., Kretzer, F., Bartelt, C., Maedche, A. and Ponzetto, S. P. (2024). Interlinking user stories and GUI prototyping: A semi-automatic LLM-based approach. In , 2024 IEEE 32nd International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE) (S. 1–9). , IEEE: Reykjavik, Iceland.
- Kolthoff, K., Bartelt, C. and Ponzetto, S. P. (2021). Automated Retrieval of Graphical User Interface Prototypes from Natural Language Requirements. In , NLDB 2021 : 26th International Conference on Natural Language & Information Systems, Saarbrücken, Germany, June 23–25, 2021 ; proceedings (S. 376–384). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer: Berlin [u.a.].
- Kolthoff, K. (2020). Automatic generation of graphical user interface prototypes from unrestricted natural language requirements.
In , 2019 34th IEEE/
ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering : 10–15 November 2019 : San Diego, California : proceedings (S. 1234-1237). , IEEE: Piscataway, NJ. - Kolthoff, K., Bartelt, C. and Ponzetto, S. P. (2020). GUI2WiRe: Rapid wireframing with a mined and large-scale GUI repository using natural language requirements.
In , ASE 2020 : 35th IEEE/
ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering : Mon 21 – Fri 25 September 2020, Melbourne, Australia : Tool Demonstrations (S. 1297-1301). , ACM: New York, NY. - Achichi, M., Cheatham, M., Dragisic, Z., Euzenat, J., Faria, D., Ferrara, A., Flouris, G., Fundulaki, I., Harrow, I., Ivanova, V., Jiménez-Ruiz, E., Kolthoff, K., Kuss, E., Lambrix, P., Leopold, H., Li, H., Meilicke, C., Mohammadi, M., Montanelli, S., Pesquita, C., Saveta, T., Shvaiko, P., Splendiani, A., Stuckenschmidt, H., Thiéblin, E., Todorov, K., Trojahn, C. and Zamazal, O. (2017). Results of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2017. In , OM 2017 : Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Ontology Matching co-located with the 16th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2017), Vienna, Austria, October 21, 2017 (S. 61–113). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, RWTH Aachen: Aachen, Germany.
- Kolthoff, K. and Dutta, A. (2015). Semantic relation composition in large scale knowledge bases. In , Linked Data for Information Extraction : Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Linked Data for Information Extraction (LD4IE2015) co-loc. with the 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2015) ; Bethlehem, PA, USA, Oct. 12, 2015 (S. 34–47). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, RWTH Aachen: Aachen, Germany.
Supervised Theses
- Investigating Feedback for Interactive GUI Search (2021, Master)
- Feature Extraction from Annotated GUI Screenshots for GUI Retrieval (2021, Master)
- Requirement Identification and Classification from User App Reviews with Neural Language Models (Bachelor, 2020)
- From User Intention to Machine Answer: Using Recurrent Neural Networks for Transforming Sentences into Automatic Generated Execution Rules (Master, 2019)