Project „Decision Support Tool for Acute Stroke Diagnosis“

Strokes are the 2nd most common cause of death worldwide. For accurately treating acute stroke, a fast diagnosis is critical as the prognosis for the patient worsens with a delay of treatment. The Institute for Enterprise Systems is engaged in the publicly funded project Rettungsnetz 5G where a mobile stroke unit is implemented in Mannheim to facilitate rapid stroke care. Machine learning tools for stroke diagnosis and treatment decision support are already utilized exploited and used in modern hospitals. However, these tools lack insights into the functionality of the models, especially for specific underrepresented subpopulations. In this Team Project, a decision support tool for acute stroke was developed by four students from the university of Mannheim together with two students from the Babes Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca. At the core of the developed software are neural networks trained on open-source medical image data. This allows us to support the diagnosis of different stroke types as well as to interpret the predictions using explainable AI methods. For a detailed description of the project scope, please refer to the accompanying video.

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