Project „Route Planning Tool for Green Parcel Delivery“

The Institute for Enterprise Systems participates in the publicly funded project GreenPickUp. The scope of this project is to develop and implement a smart parcel delivery system by using mobile pick-up stations. Therefore, customers can pick up their orders at places they are already at, e.g., their place of work, their gym, …. Consequently, the work rhythm of parcel delivery firms gets synchronized with the behavior of their customers yielding a decrease in avoidable traffic and emissions.

The scope of this Team Project is to develop a prototype for an AI-based route planning of the pick-up stations as well as a data platform to monitor all processes. In more detail, the optimal placement of the pick-up stations is to be identified and a ML-based route planning tool is to be developed. To do this, participants will get familiar with ML- and DL-based route planning methods, e.g., Reinforcement Learning. Four students, with a strong interest in machine learning will work together with two software engineering students from Cluj-Napoca.

Depending on travel regulations due to the coronavirus pandemic, exchange trips to Cluj are desired and fully sponsored by the organizers. An overview of the international master team projects at the Institute for Enterprise Systems can be found at here