The Microsoft 365 cloud service offers employees of the University of Mannheim the option to use various applications for digital communication and collaboration.
We have set up an extra instance for students. For more information, please see M365 for students.
How to Login to Microsoft 365
In the following instruction we would like to show you how you can sign in to Microsoft 365 and access the individual applications:
Besides the Office applications Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Visio (basic version) the following M365 applications are active and ready for use:
- Teams
Use Teams to communicate with your colleagues and external contacts via chat, audio of video conference. You can have one-on-one meetings or group calls.
Instructions for Teams - Teams Calendar
Use the Teams calendar function – an easy way to schedule virtual meetings.
Instructions for the Teams Calendar - OneDrive
The OneDrive cloud storage offers you 1TB storage to store, share and jointly edit documents.
Instructions for OneDrive - OneNote
Manage your information and documents with OneNote, the digital notebook.
Instructions for OneNote - Planner
With Planner, you can organize your work, assign tasks within a team or plan and manage a project.
Instructions for Planner - Lists
Create individual lists to efficiently manage your workflows.
Instructions for Lists - Whiteboard
Use the digital whiteboard in virtual meetings to visualize your ideas and results.
Instructions for Whiteboard
We will continuously extend our offer. After extensive tests and quality assurance measures, we will make additional applications available to you.
Terms of use and data protection policy
Please observe the terms of use and the data protection policy that apply to the use of all M 365 applications:
Leave of absence
Use of Microsoft 365 during your leave of absence
If you are on leave of absence as an academic or non-academic staff member, the scope of use of Microsoft 365 changes. During this period, you can only use the M365 applications (e.g. Excel, Word, ...) on a browser-based basis.
If you wish to make full use of M365 during your absence, you can purchase a license through your institution.
Important tips for your protection!
To protect your data, certain settings are already centrally preconfigured by us. However, we do not have access to the so-called “optional connected experiences”, which are collected by Microsoft, among other things so that third-party providers can deliver functionalities for M365. We recommend to deactivate the “optional connected experiences” manually in your privacy settings.
You can find the settings at
- Windows (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, Project or Visio) at File → Account → Account data protection → Manage settings.
- Mac (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook or OneNote) at Settings → Privacy Settings.
- iOS (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote or Visio) at Settings → Privacy Settings.
How can I store my data in an encrypted form?
In the instructions for Cryptomator, we explain how you can encrypt data with the free Cryptomator application.