Research projects
Gabble: Managing Integration Knowledge in IoT-Systems with Logical Reasoning
In this work, we present a software engineering tool that allows storing, sharing, and reusing integration knowledge between software interfaces incrementally by looking at integration cases instead of domain models.
Knowledge-Driven Architecture Composition: Assisting the System Integrator to Reuse Integration Knowledge
This paper tackles the barrier of high formalization effort for mappings between required and provided interfaces. Therefore, we apply and evaluate a novel integration method for web service choreography.
Semantic Interoperability Methods for Smart Service Systems: A Survey
Based on a systematic literature review from a software architecture point of view, we have identified 75 primary studies for domain-specific IoT component composition approaches and architectures.
Case-based Formalization of Integration Knowledge supporting System Integrators to enable Automated Component Coupling
This paper introduces the set of problems regarding semantic integration in the area of software architectures based on the example of formal interface description languages.