Cooperation Partners and Eligible Universities
The university sports program of the University of Mannheim is aimed at students and employees of the University of Mannheim. Based on cooperation agreements, members of the following institutions can also participate in university sports:
- Absolventum Mannheim e.V.
- DHBW Mannheim
- Fan club of the university sport e.V. (FdH)
- Fröbel Seminar
- University of the Federal Employment Agency (HdBA)
- University of Applied Sciences Mannheim
- Mannheim Business School (MBS)
- Pop Academy Mannheim
- Mannheim State University of Music and Performing Arts
- Heidelberg University
- University of Mannheim Service and Marketing GmbH
- Central Institute of Mental Health (ZI)
- Center for European Economic Research (ZEW)
All participants need a SportsCard to participate in the sports program. The SportsCard is valid for the stated period of time. There is no automatic renewal. The fees (operating and administrative costs) vary, as the subsidies of the individual cooperation partners vary.
Students apply for the SportsCard by presenting a current certificate of enrollment. Currently, the application for the SportsCard is only possible online at Processing can take up to 3 working days.
Employees of the cooperating universities as well as members of Absolventum, FdH, Fröbel Seminar, GESIS, HdBA, MBS, Popakademie Mannheim, Universität Mannheim Service und Marketing GmbH, ZI and ZEW will receive the access data from your institution. The responsible contact persons are deposited with the respective institution under management.
The SportsCard is not transferable. Students must be able to identify themselves with a valid student ID card. In case of doubt, the presentation of a valid identity card may be requested. Employees* and members of the cooperating institutions are kindly requested to present a valid identity card.
Course registration
For each offer the number of participants is fixed and limited by the booking. Participation is only possible by prior registration. The registration for the courses is activated on the desired course day in the morning from 7:00 a.m., unless otherwise stated. Without confirmation of registration (also possible via Mobile Ticket) no access to the sports facilities. If too few people register, the event must unfortunately be cancelled.
Course cancellation
If a booked course place is not used, it must be cancelled by the participant! Otherwise we will charge 5,00 Euro per missing date. Cancellation is possible until before the start of the course via a link in the booking confirmation. Due to limited capacities and out of consideration for other interested parties, the course place must be released if participation is not possible.
The University of Mannheim is entitled to collect the fee from the account specified in the IBAN and BIC by direct debit. In the event that the direct debit is not honored, in the event of an objection to the direct debit, or in the event of an incorrectly indicated account connection, the name and address will be used by the University of Mannheim so that a payment claim can be asserted. In case of dishonour, this fact will be recorded in a blocking file. The block will be lifted as soon as the fee for the booked event as well as the processing fee invoiced by the Institute of Sports of the University of Mannheim have been paid. The processing fee arises from revocation of the payment, insufficient funds in the account, or the provision of incorrect account details. In this case, a processing fee of 10.00 € per case will be charged in addition to the course fee. The advance notice of the direct debit will be sent by email by the payee with a fixed lead time before the due date
Students in the Mannheim university region are insured against accidents while taking part in university sports as well as while attending courses. Not included in the insurance cover are online offers and free sporting activities outside of the organized exercise activities of the Institute of Sports (e.g. free play groups, free exercise, free tennis, individual training in the fitness and weight studio). In the case of courses of other organizers, which are only mediated by the University Sports Department, or which take place in cooperation, the participants themselves are responsible for their insurance coverage. Staff members of the University of Mannheim and staff members of the cooperating universities as well as participants of Absolventum, FdH, Fröbel Seminar, GESIS, HdBA, MBS, Popakademie Mannheim, Universität Mannheim Service und Marketing GmbH, ZI and ZEW are generally required to take out insurance coverage when participating in university sports.