Competitive Sports

Dates and announcements for adh university championships

Every year, the German University Sports Association organises national university championships, ad hoc open and cup competitions in more than 30 sports. Around 12,000 students take part in adh's competitive sports programme every year. The dates and detailed announcements of all championships can be found at

Reports on adh events

If you want to register for the German University Championships, the adh-Open or adh cup competition, you have to get information about the competitions and the announcement in the adh competition calendar on your own. Students of the Wettkampfgemeinschaft Mannheim are eligible to start. The Wettkampfgemeinschaft Mannheim is currently made up of students of the University of Mannheim, DHBW Mannheim, HS Mannheim and the HdBA Mannheim. Please note the respective registration deadline for the championships and that the binding registration must be received by the institute one week before the registration deadline of the organizer. Only the official registration form of the institute is to be used!

Registration fees and costs

The entry fees will be paid by the Institute of Sports, but only if you have actually taken part in the competition and only up to an amount of 30 € per person! Therefore it is necessary that you sign the direct debit authorization for entry and remorse fees (additional fee for non-participation) with your registration. In the case of a non-attendance for no reason (not in case of illness with a medical certificate) we are entitled to debit the total amount from your account. The difference between the registration fee and the part covered by the university sport will be debited from your account by direct debit authorization. We only accept entry fees up to 30 € per person. You can check the amount of the registration fees on the adh website at the competition announcements. Costs for food, accommodation and travel expenses have to be paid by the athletes themselves. If the entry fee can only be paid on site, it has to be paid by the athlete and will be transferred proportionally (maximum 30,00 Euro) on the basis of the receipt of the organizer.

Team entries

Team registrations can only be made through the Institute of Sport. The teams are usually led by a trainer in the corresponding discipline, who you can also contact if you want to join a new team. Further information can be obtained from the instructors during the practice sessions. For team registrations the remorse fee is very high (partly 250,- Euro), so that we need a signed direct debit authorization from all participants. If the entry fee can only be paid on site, it has to be paid by the athlete and will be transferred proportionally on the basis of the receipt of the organizer.

Registration for German University Championships


Viola Münch, M.A.

Viola Münch, M.A.

Deputy Head of Department, Contact Person for University Championship Registration
University of Mannheim
Institute of Sports
L 10, 12
68161 Mannheim