The aim of this educational partnership, which is part of the Campus Community Partnerships, is to meet the challenges of heterogeneity (in particular linguistic heterogeneity) in a practical, problem-oriented and research-based manner by establishing collaborative teacher education structures between the university and secondary schools.
Project partners
The current members of the Netzwerk Bildungspartnerschaft are:
- 16 secondary schools and vocational schools in Mannheim
- the Department of Education of the City of Mannheim
- the Department of Economic and Structural Development of the City of Mannheim
- the Center for Teacher Education and Educational Innovation of the University of Mannheim
- the professors of Education Sciences, Economic and Business Education,Quality of Instruction in Heterogeneous Contexts as well as Linguistics and Multilingualism Research of the University of Mannheim.
The educational partnership includes
- analyzing the extent of heterogeneity and multilingualism in teaching at the collaborating schools
- developing measures to improve the quality of teaching.
Other topics that are set forth as requirements by the collaborating schools are:
- Digitalization
- Class climate
- Performance anxiety
- Parental work
Current projects
- “Leuchttürme der Lehrerbildung” (“lighthouses of teacher education”), funded by the Land of Baden-Württemberg
Lighthouse 1 since 2016: Multilingualism
Lighthouse 2: Heterogeneity - Service Learning in the Master of Education program
Project UNI-Kurse: Remedial teaching in the afternoon at Mannheim schools. - VESPER project
- “Leuchttürme der Lehrerbildung” (“lighthouses of teacher education”), funded by the Land of Baden-Württemberg
Hochschulnetzwerk Bildung durch Verantwortung e.V.

The Hochschulnetzwerk Bildung durch Verantwortung e.V. is an association of higher education institutions that has existed since 2009. The members of the association are aware of social responsibility and actively shape it.
The University of Mannheim is founding member of the network of higher education institutions. Julia Derkau is an elected member of the Board of Management of the Hochschulnetzwerk Bildung durch Verantwortung and actively represents the University of Mannheim in the network.
The Hochschulnetzwerk Bildung durch Verantwortung e.V. is an association of 40 higher education institutions (universities, other higher education institutions, colleges of the arts, private higher education institutions) which became an official association (eingetrageneer gemeinwohlorientierter Verein) in spring 2015.
Goals of the network
The aim is to bring higher education institutions together, which want to live up and expand their societal responsibility, by systematically promoting the civic and social commitment of students, teachers, and other members of the higher education institution, combine this commitment with their research and education mission and thus actively shape society and contribute to the mutual transfer of knowledge.
- Quality development in service learning and in various forms of societal transfer
- Formats for teaching social entrepreneurship skills in a sustainable way (social entrepreneurship education)
- Involving (civil) societal stakeholders in designing and working on research questions (community-based research)