After Your Studies

What comes after you have earned your degree in Teacher Education?

You have successfully completed your studies in Teacher Education – congratulations. You can now apply for the  preparatory service(Referendariat) and start your practical training as a teacher. Here you will find everything you need to know and can get advice on the next steps on your way to becoming a teacher.

Preparatory service

For the preparatory service, you are at a partner school  and at one of the state seminars for training and in-service training of teachers in Baden-Württemberg.

Career advice

Do you have any questions about the teaching profession? We will be happy to advise you and discuss your career prospects, also in extracurricular fields of activity.


Presentations, information events, and lectures are available for download here.


OStR Dr. Georg Matthias Schneider

OStR Dr. Georg Matthias Schneider

Head of Teaching Practice
University of Mannheim
Area Economic and Business Education
Ehrenhof Ost – Room EO 085
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
We offer digital consultation. Please contact me at matthias.schneider(at)