Contact Persons in the Field of Teacher Education

People from various Schools, institutes, and research groups are involved in Teacher Education at the University of Mannheim. The Teaching and Learning Center is the umbrella organization for all activities and the central point of contact.

Contact person for Teacher Education matters at the ZLBI

  • Teacher Education

    OStR Dr. Georg Matthias Schneider

    OStR Dr. Georg Matthias Schneider

    Managing Director and Head of Teacher Education
    University of Mannheim
    Center for Teacher Education and Educational Innovation
    Schloss, Ehrenhof Ost, EO 085
    Ehrenhof Ost – Room EO 085
    68161 Mannheim
    Consultation hour(s):
    Appointments for virtual consultations are possible. Please send an email to schneider(at)
    Svenja Kaiser

    Svenja Kaiser

    Academic staff member, coordinator for the Lehr:werkstatt project
    University of Mannheim
    Center for Teacher Education and Educational Innovation
    Schloss – Raum EO 082
    68161 Mannheim
    Consultation hour(s):
    I offer digital consultations for the Lehr:werkstatt. Please contact me at
    Inga Benz, B.Ed.

    Inga Benz, B.Ed.

    Student assistant / mentoring program
    University of Mannheim
    Center for Teacher Educationan and Educational Innovation

    Former staff members

    Sören Hengstberger, M.Ed.

    Sören Hengstberger, M.Ed.

    Student assistant / mentoring program
    University of Mannheim
    Center for Teacher Education and Educational Innovation
    Ramona Römer, B.Ed.

    Ramona Römer, B.Ed.

    Student assistant / mentoring program
    University of Mannheim
    Center for Teacher Education and Educational Innovation

Other persons involved in Teacher Education

Program managers

Contact persons in Student Services