Lehrerin an Tafel

Our Subjects

One of the strengths of the University of Mannheim is its profile, which is characterized by the economic and social sciences: In these two fields of research, the University of Mannheim has repeatedly been ranked as one of the top 20 research institutions in Europe for years. An important basis for this is its focus on empirical methods, for example to plan, conduct, analyze, and interpret large data sets from surveys. Political Science, Economics and Business Administration and Education Sciences, for example, focus on empirical research.

The language subjects at the University of Mannheim also have unique focus areas: In the field of German Studies and English and American Studies, the university cooperates closely with the Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS) in Mannheim. Another focus is research on multilingualism, for which a separate chair was established in 2022.

Which cooperations are possible?

At the University of Mannheim, students of teaching education programs can choose from eleven subjects (plus cooperations) which fit the profile of the university.

German Studies, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Political Science, Economics and Business Administration, Mathematics, Informatics, History and Philosophy/Ethics. For Fine Arts and Music, we cooperate with other institutions. In the Teacher Education programs, German and English are the two most “popular” subjects.

In addition, the University of Mannheim is one of the most renowned research institutions for Economic and Business Education in Germany. This also defines many aspects of the teacher education: Transitions and joint study elements are essential parts of teacher education, for example in the practical parts of the programs, in educational science courses, in the subject areas and in special teaching formats, such as service-learning.

Become a teacher

What are the subjects offered? What do I need to know about the application process? What can you expect from the program? Learn more about the bachelor’s and master’s program in Teacher Education at the University of Mannheim.

Our international network

Benefit from the numerous programs of the University of Mannheim with partner universities abroad during your studies. For more information, please see the website of the International Office.


OStR Dr. Georg Matthias Schneider

OStR Dr. Georg Matthias Schneider

Managing Director and Head of Teacher Education
University of Mannheim
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Innovation
Schloss, Ehrenhof Ost, EO 085
Ehrenhof Ost – Room EO 085
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
Appointments for virtual consultations are possible. Please send an email to schneider(at)zlbi.uni-mannheim.de.