Enabling innovation and fostering transfer
In the InnoMA project, the Center of Teacher Education and Educational Innovation (ZLBI) is responsible for the academic support of digital teaching projects. The empirical research on the effects of digital teaching methods on student learning is used to make further evidence-based developments. The resulting theoretical and practical findings support the digital transformation at the university.
The aim of the InnoMA project is to promote the sustainable development and transfer of high-quality digital teaching methods at the University of Mannheim. The project has a duration of three years.
“Innovative Digital Teaching” Fund
A central component of the InnoMA project is the funding of 1.1 million euros, which will provide teachers with the freedom to develop digital innovations. Teachers receive financial support for one year and get help for the technical and didactic implementation of the project. Teachers can apply for funding in recurring rounds of calls for proposals.
In addition, the funds will be used to improve the technical infrastructure at the University of Mannheim for digital teaching and to offer support and exciting events to the teachers. You will find an overview of the InnoMA project in this video: