Professor in Vorlesung

Structure of the Program

What content awaits you in the programs in Teacher Education? What is the structure of the program and what phases are there on the way to becoming a teacher? Here you will find an overview and you can obtain comprehensive information on the bachelor’s and master’s program in Teacher Education.

First phase of the Teacher Education program

A teacher education program at the University has several elements:

  • subject-specific elements,
  • elements of educational science,
  • subject-specific teaching methodology elements,
  • as well as practical elements.

In the first phase of teacher education, students will acquire sound knowledge for their future profession as teachers. This means that students are able to justify possible actions, anticipate consequences, are able to adapt to new situations, analyze situations and consider alternative options.

Second phase of the Teacher Education program

The practically oriented, theory-based training under guidance takes place during the preparatory service (Referendariat) at a school and at the seminars for education and continuing education of teachers. This is the second phase of teacher education. The preparatory service, which lasts one and a half years, covers lesson planning and practical teaching. In this phase, the focus is on practical action, which will become increasingly routine over time.

In the area of teacher education, the ZLBI of the University of Mannheim collaborates in particular with the state seminars for education and further education for teachers in Heidelberg, Heilbronn, and Karlsruhe. The Seminar Heilbronn is our official partner. In the field of teacher training for vocational schools, we collaborate with the seminar for vocational schools in Karlsruhe .

Study the bachelor’s or the master’s program in Teacher Education:

Studierende in Vorlesung
Bachelor of Education

How long does it take to complete the program of study? How many ECTS credits do you need and when are internships planned? Everything you need to know about the bachelor’s program.

Master of Education

Do you want to work as a teacher? Benefit from the cooperation with Business Education and Educational Science during the master’s program.


Julia Derkau

Julia Derkau

Head of Educational Innovation and Project Lead TransforMA
University of Mannheim
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Innovation
Schloss – Room EO 084
68161 Mannheim