The Barockschloss and the Ehrenhof in Mannheim.

Welcome to the ZLBI Website!

Teacher education and educational innovation at the University of Mannheim

The Center for Teacher Education and Educational Innovation (Zentrum für Lehrerbildung und Bildungsinnovation (ZLBI)) is a central research institution at the University of Mannheim. The ZLBI is directly affiliated with the President's Office, is under academic management, and combines a practice-oriented, scientifically sound organization and development of teacher education with transfer processes between the university and society. These transfer services include, for example, service learning, theory-practice reflection or campus community partnerships. In addition, the ZLBI helps to shape innovations, e.g,. in quality development for digital teaching and learning. Teacher education and educational innovation are key components of the profile of the University of Mannheim.

    Teacher Education

    You want to study Teacher Education or Economic and Business Education? All information on the structure of the programs and career prospects.

    Eine Frau tippt auf einen Bildschirm.
    Educational Innovation

    Innovative teaching formats and cooperation projects that encourage taking more responsibility in society.

    Academic management

    The academic management of the ZLBI consists of professors from the following fields:

    Education Sciences

    Linking research and teaching is important to us.

    Economic and Business Education

    All information on our multidisciplinary programs and your prospects afterwards.

    School of Humanities

    All of our programs have an interdisciplinary focus.

    Didactics of Multilingualism

    We do research on and teach about linguistic and cultural heterogeneity in schools.


    Contact persons

    OStR Dr. Georg Matthias Schneider

    OStR Dr. Georg Matthias Schneider

    Managing Director and Head of Teacher Education
    University of Mannheim
    Center for Teacher Education and Educational Innovation
    Schloss, Ehrenhof Ost, EO 085
    Ehrenhof Ost – Room EO 085
    68161 Mannheim
    Consultation hour(s):
    Appointments for virtual consultations are possible. Please send an email to schneider(at)
    Julia Derkau

    Julia Derkau

    Head of Educational Innovation and Project Lead TransforMA
    University of Mannheim
    Center for Teacher Education and Educational Innovation
    Schloss – Room EO 084
    68161 Mannheim