Studierende im Austausch

The Teaching Profession

Teaching is one of the most interesting and fulfilling professions. It is important that future teachers choose the profession consciously and receive excellent education during the first and the second phase of teacher education.

At the Center of Teacher Education and Educational Innovation (ZLBI), we advise prospective students and students on the teaching profession, the school sector, the teaching practice elements of the program and the preparatory service (Referendariat).

Prepared for today’s challenges

In the rapidly changing world of today, the professional profile of teachers also evolves. Today’s challenges are heterogeneity and multilingualism in the classroom, as well as the digitalization of teaching and learning. Our programs offer you the best preparation for the challenges you might encounter when teaching at a school.

What type of school is right for me?

If you are unsure whether you want to teach at a secondary school (Gymnasium) or a vocational school (with a focus on Business and Economics), you should consider the following aspects before making your decision:

  • the subjects,
  • the pupils’ age,
  • the variety of tasks (at vocational schools, for example, the tasks might include coordinating with companies offering vocational training).

We at the ZLBI are happy to advise you on the difference between the various schools and help you to choose your program and profession.

Required interests and skills

If you want to teach at a school, you should

  • like working with young people and understand their issues.
  • enjoy presenting and explaining things.
  • be confident.
  • be enthusiastic about your subjects and the profession, and be able to pass this enthusiasm on to others.
  • be able to accept criticism and reflect on yourself.
  • communicate in a clear and understandable manner.

During the programs preparing for a career as a teacher, we are developing these competencies, among others, together with you.

Tafel mit Glühbirne
School system and teacher education in Baden-Württemberg
Tafel mit Rakete
Employment at schools and chances of employment
Icon Kette

Career advice and contact

OStR Dr. Georg Matthias Schneider

OStR Dr. Georg Matthias Schneider

Managing Director and Head of Teacher Education
University of Mannheim
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Innovation
Schloss, Ehrenhof Ost, EO 085
Ehrenhof Ost – Room EO 085
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
Appointments for virtual consultations are possible. Please send an email to schneider(at)