Yoga styles
Our yoga center offers a variety of different types of yoga:
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga goes back to teachings of Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya and Sri Pattabhi Jois during the last century. Krishnamacharya was asked by the AnkerMaharaja of Mysore to instruct yoga to the youth at the palace of Mysore. From this practice you can learn to combine refined meditation with intensive athletics. Thanks to Patthabhi Jois this style got popular globally. The Ashtanga practice includes traditional chanting (mantra), posture (Asana), dynamic sequencing (Vinyasa Krama), breathing technique (Ujjayi), visual focus (Dristi) and activated physical closing points (Bhanda). In this class you will learn the traditional sequence of the primary series of Ashtanga. Focus of your study are the dynamics of the practice, hip opening and forward bending. The amount of asanas will be increased incrementally over the semester. The class will usually be taught in English
Hatha Yoga
Traditional hatha yoga includes asanas (body postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), mudras (hand and body postures), bandhas and shat kriyas (cleansing techniques). With the help of the physical body and the breath, the yoga techniques help us release the physical and mental tension, improve the flow of life energy and concentration. But all this is just a preparation to get to know deeper levels of oneself. Not only on the yoga mat but also in everyday life.
Power Flow
Are you looking for a powerful yoga class that also allows you to switch off and help you to relax? In this course you will connect the different asanas into a powerful Vinyasa Yoga flow and you will perform every movement in harmony with your breath. By focusing on your breathing and the flowing movements between the asanas, your muscles and cardiovascular system are exercised, while your mind can relax.
Power Yoga
The first half of each class a fixed sequence of most basic asanas will be practiced always in the same manner similar to the Ashtanga Yoga system. The idea is to develope a routine. By practicing that way on a regular basis you will no longer be thinking about what to do und how to do but be just truely practicing Yoga. Second half of each class we will focus every week on one of the three subjects Back-Bending, Hip-Opening and Vinyasa (jump-back, jump-through, handstand). This will be some special practice using blocks and the wall as it is usually done in traditional Ashtanga Yoga schools in India.
Superhealth – Superfit – Supersense: The perfect start in an energetic day. Experience how breath exercises, workout and meditation can increase your energy for the whole day. Naad Yoga is an ancient science, which has been using rhythm and sound for thousands of years to achieve health and happyness. All parts of the Sadhana are therefore combined with music.
Flow & Restore
A juicy mix of moving and breathing – combining slower, yet powerful vinyasa style and yin yoga movements for balance, grounding and rejuvenation...
Vinyasa Flow
Vinyasa Flow is a powerful and dynamic yoga style. The movements and transitions between the individual asanas are fluid and follow the rhythm of inhalation and exhalation. With this round full body workout you can really pump out. Your stamina is required and your mind is strengthened. By the demands of the most different muscles you have a good balance to the everyday life, it will blockages in the body and released energies released. At the same time, by concentrating on the breath and the initial meditation and relaxation at the end of the yoga class, you will come to rest.
Yin Yoga
Yin yoga is not about working with muscle power. The individual asanas are kept passive without the use of force. As a result, an optimal stretching and the bonded fascia can be solved gently in this way. Our mobility depends to a greater extent on our fascia than on our muscles.
Yoga for the spine
Do you also often have back ache and feel tense because you sit too much? With the help of a personalized sequence of exercises you can relax your back and neck muscles. That way you can reduce and avoid pain. This will also increase the flexibility of your spine. The back is the center of our body. It connects our extremities and the head area. The back and the abdomen work together to stabilize our bodies and keep it erect. The seven main chakras, the energy centers of our body, also run along the spine. From the root chakra (Muladhara) near the tailbone, to the crown chakra (Sahsrara). If the flow of the chakra is disturbed that effects different parts of your body and your wellbeing.