Lehr:werkstatt for Students

What does the Lehr:werkstatt offer?

The Lehr:werkstatt is designed to give a realistic, profound insight into the teaching profession by letting you experience and help shape an entire school year. Anything is possible: You can independently prepare and conduct lessons, offer differentiated lessons in heterogeneous or large classes with your tandem partner in team teaching, co-create and evaluate exams, sit in in other teachers’ classes in all grades, offer your own after school club (AG), participate in parent-teacher conferences, or get to know the pupils better on field trips.

You can decide together in tandem on how exactly you design your Lehr:werkstatt year.

The Lehr:werkstatt really helped me to get a feeling for the professional practice. For me, it’s a valuable opportunity to gain insights early on.

“Lehrwerkerin” at the University of Mannheim in the school year 2022/23

The Lehr:werkstatt offered me a great opportunity to learn about the versatility of the teaching profession over a long period of time, to develop my own professional skills, and to see me how it is to work at a school regularly. The long time period of the internship allowed me to build relationships with all the people involved in the school life, which would have not be possible with a short first school placement.

Julian Haag, “Lehrwerker” at the University of Mannheim 2022/23

Participation and examination

  • Teacher Education

    When can I participate?

    Before participating, the lecture “Introduction to Educational Psychology” should have been completed. The Lehr:werkstatt is therefore recommended in the third and fourth semester of the bachelor’s program. However, students in higher semesters or students of the master’s program can also participate, for example in the first two master’s semesters or at the very end of their studies. The Lehr:werkstatt can be used for orientation at the beginning of your studies, as a practical booster in the middle of your studies or as preparation for your preparatory service (Referendariat).

    The Lehr:werkstatt as first school placement 

    The Lehr:werkstatt can be completed instead of the first school placement. It also replaces a seminar on Teaching Methodology in the bachelor’s program.

    apply now!

    How is the internship structured?

    Even before the start of the Lehr:werkstatt year, you will participate in the preparation days for the regular first school placement. At the start of the school year, there will be an introductory workshop for all tandems in Baden-Württemberg, where the tandem partners will get to know each other better, and the tandems can also exchange ideas with each other. 

    During the school year, block phases alternate with longer internship phases alongside your studies. During the block phases, the university offers opportunities for reflection and support in didactic or educational questions. During the longer phases, you will participate online in competence workshops of the Tübingen School of Education (TüSE). All internship phases can be arranged in such a way that the examination periods of the University of Mannheim will not be affected, so that you can prepare for the examinations in a relaxed manner. 

  • Economic and Business Education

    When can I participate?

    Before participating, the lecture “Introduction to Educational Psychology” or the lecture “Introduction to Educational Psychology” should have been completed (usually in the first semester). Students of Economic and Business Education can only participate in the Lehr:werkstatt during the fifth and sixth bachelor’s semester. Therefore, they need to apply in the third or fourth semester.

    The Lehr:werkstatt as Teaching Practice 1 

    After successful participation, the Lehr:werkstatt in the Economic and Business Education program can be recognized for the module Teaching Practice 1. Teaching Practice 2 and 3 should then also be completed at the Lehr:werkstatt school.

    apply now!

    How is the internship structured?

    Even before the start of the Lehr:werkstatt year, you will participate in two preparation days in May. At the start of the school year, there will be an introductory workshop for all tandems in Baden-Württemberg, where the tandem partners will get to know each other better, and the tandems can also exchange ideas with each other. 

    During the school year, block phases alternate with longer internship phases alongside your studies. During the block phases, the university offers opportunities for reflection and support in didactic or educational questions. During the longer phases, you will participate online in competence workshops of the Tübingen School of Education (TüSE). All internship phases can be arranged in such a way that the examination periods of the University of Mannheim will not be affected, so that you can prepare for the examinations in a relaxed manner. 

  • Examinations

    • Active participation in the internship and the accompanying university courses
    • Creating a portfolio (documentation of lessons during the internship, reflection on your own role in school activities, reports on extracurricular activities, ...)
    • Active participation in the three competence workshops and the introductory workshop

Your Lehr:werkstatt year 2023/24

May Accompanying seminar: 2 preparation days

1 week block internship phase (4–5 hours/day)

11 September 2023 – 15 September 2023

Introductory workshop for all tandems

September to December10 week-long internship phase (4–5 hours/week)First competence workshop

2 weeks block internship phase (4–5 hours/day)

8 January 2024 – 19 January 2024
Accompanying seminar (2–3 dates)
February to June10 week-long internship phase (4–5 hours/week)Second and third competence workshop

All agreements in tandem should be flexible, individual, and suitable for both tandem partners. They can differ depending on the situation at the school, the timetable of the mentor as well as university-related and other obligations of the student. In particular, the exact periods for both 10-week internship phases can be freely agreed on in tandem. The block internship phases should generally be completed within the specified periods.

The Lehr:werkstatt inspires!

The Lehr:werkstatt project is now offered at nine different locations in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. The central coordination office for the Lehr:werkstatt network in Baden-Württemberg is in Tübingen.

The locations in Baden-Württemberg (Tübingen, Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, Mannheim and Stuttgart-Ludwigsburg) also cooperate with the four Bavarian locations (Augsburg, Erlangen-Nürnberg, Passau and Würzburg) and together they form the Lehr:werkstatt-Netzwerkverbund. The project is supported by Lehr:werkstatt e.V.


Svenja Kaiser

Svenja Kaiser

Academic staff member, coordinator for the Lehr:werkstatt project
University of Mannheim
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Innovation
Schloss – Raum EO 082
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
I offer digital consultations for the Lehr:werkstatt. Please contact me at kaiser@zlbi.uni-mannheim.de.

The Lehr:werkstatt in Baden-Württemberg is conducted in cooperation with the Amanda and Erich NEUMAYER STIFTUNGand its partners.