
50th Anniversary of the Seminar Heilbronn

On 4 October, 2023, the seminar for the training and in-service training of teachers (Gymnasium) Heilbronn celebrated its 50th anniversary with a grand ceremony.

The director of the seminar, Martina Geiger, welcomed the guests, followed by words of welcome from State Secretary Volker Schebesta, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of Baden-Württemberg, Harry Mergel, mayor of Heilbronn and OStD Marco Haaf, spokesperson for the Direktorenvereinigung.

The keynote speech was given by Professor Dr. Andreas Lachner from the University of Tübingen: “Digital transformation in teacher training: opportunities and challenges”, in which selected aspects of the use of digital media in teacher training were presented to those present.

This was followed by a panel discussion with Professor Dr. Thomas Riecke-Baulecke, president of the Zentrum für Schulqualität und Lehrerbildung (ZSL) Baden-Württemberg, on “Teacher training yesterday, today, tomorrow”, in which live questions to ChatGPT were integrated.

The all-round successful ceremony was framed by lively jazz music, a performance of two songs by the ReferendarChörle of the 2023 course and an acrobatics performance.

The ceremony was followed by an anniversary celebration in front of the seminar, where guests engaged in lively discussions. As part of a wide range of activities, there was the opportunity to find out more about the history of the seminar Heilbronn at an exhibition on the history of the seminar and to experience the training in the subjects in the individual departments. Food and drink were also provided.

The celebration of the 50th anniversary of the seminar Heilbronn will be remembered fondly by all members of the seminar and all guests. Here's to the next 50 years!