Information event preparatory service for students in the master's program in Teacher Education on 8 May 2024
Courtesy of Martina Geiger (SAF Gymnasium Heilbronn) and Dr. Rainer Drös (SAF Gymnasium Heidelberg), Professor Elisabeth Siegmund (SAF Berufliche Schulen Karlsruhe) and Sandra Schmidt (Student Services II, University of Mannheim).
23 November 2023 Presentation and discussion about the employment opportunities in the public school service in Baden-Württemberg
Preparatory service for teachers
Secondary schools and vocational schools – presentations on the information event for students in the master’s program for becoming teachers at a Gymnasium on 8 April 2022
The presentations of the seminars are provided with the kind permission of Professor Dr. Rainer Drös (SAF Gymnasium Heidelberg) and Professor Elisabeth Siegmund (SAF Berufliche Schulen Karlsruhe).
Please note that the information applies to students with a for students pursuing a M.Ed. degree to become a teacher at a Gymnasium. Students with a degree they completed according to the former GymPO will receive special information via e-mail.