Please note that a bachelor’s degree is not sufficient for the preparatory service and for teaching at secondary schools (Gymnasium) or vocational schools.
If you have earned a master’s degree in Teacher Education or Economic and Business Education, you are eligible to apply for the preparatory service (Referendariat). The master’s degree corresponds to the (previous) first state examination and replaces this examination.
If you have earned a master’s degree in Teacher Education or Economic and Business Education, you are generally eligible to apply for the preparatory service in all German Länder. Please note that the administration of the individual Ministries of Education and Cultural Affairs is responsible for the requirements and that certain restrictions might apply.
The general requirement for being employed at a public school in Baden-Württemberg is the second state examination that you will have passed upon completion of the 18-months preparatory service (VD18).
If you have passed the second state examination, you are generally eligible to apply for teaching positions in all German Länder. Please note that the administration of the individual Ministries of Education and Cultural Affairs is responsible for the requirements and that certain restrictions might apply.
Teachers at public schools in Baden-Württemberg are employed by the administration of the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, specifically by a Regierungspräsidium (regional council) in Baden-Württemberg.
To learn more about the employment of teachers in Baden-Württemberg, please refer to the website of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of Baden-Württemberg.
Chances of employment
For choosing a degree program and a career, many different aspects are important:
First of all, think of the subjects and the types of school you are passionate about. Being a successful teacher requires a passion for your subjects and your type of school. In addition, we strongly recommend considering the employment outlook for public schools before making your decision. Due to its focus on the future, the outlook might be uncertain. However, it provides general orientation.
For the current outlook on the chances of employment at public schools in Baden-Württemberg, please see the website of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of Baden-Württemberg.