Values and standards
As the University of Mannheim Foundation and as contributors to a sustainable and livable society, we have a special obligation to responsibly represent the values and standards of the University of Mannheim to the best of our knowledge and belief. We respect all individuals regardless of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, ethnic or national identity, disability or age. The actions of the foundation are guided by respect for fairness, for independent research, for truth and for the opinion of others. In addition, we are committed to protecting academic freedom, preventing corruption as well as collusion and providing the greatest possible transparency. Therefore, the foundation has been a member of the Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft since 15 August 2019.
Guidelines for action
We act in accordance with the regulations of the Association of German Foundations and the foundation law. Furthermore, we respect your right to privacy and are committed to ensuring the highest level of security for your personal information in accordance with data protection regulations and laws. Donors and supporters can get information on the use of funds and the progress made with them at any time. In doing so, we ensure an efficient and transparent use of funds. The donors’ interests and their ideas to shape the foundation’s organization are valued and respected. They can be effective as long as legal regulations and ethical principles are observed and the University of Mannheim is respected as an equal partner. In addition, we do not grant or accept benefits for personal purposes or favors for our institution, especially when an overriding public interest would be at stake. The foundation only accepts contributions that are in line with our policies and principles. This way, we can avoid actual and perceived conflicts of interest.