Due to the coronavirus crisis, the University of Mannheim has been facing many challenges since spring 2020. During the first few weeks of lockdown, the university has taken a lot of steps to ensure that future graduates continue to receive high-quality education, even under the ever-changing conditions. Only within a few days, the University of Mannheim has reorganized and digitalized its entire teaching almost off the cuff. It has also been working hard to develop and implement online exams.
Thanks to very good conditions and highly motivated teaching staff, the transition to online teaching was possibly easier for the University of Mannheim than it was for many other higher education institutions. However, additional investments in technical equipment are needed to be able to offer an unprecedented number of high-quality online courses.
In addition, students have not only experienced academic, but also personal and financial challenges. Numerous young people have lost the income they need to cover their living expenses, whether it is because they have lost their part-time job or their parents have been forced into short-time working. They had to ask themselves the existential question of whether or not they can continue their studies.
Therefore, the University of Mannheim Foundation launched two much needed fundraising projects in April 2020, in order to help out students in financial need and advance the expansion of e-learning.
Coronavirus emergency assistance for students
Thanks to numerous supporters of the fundraising campaign, nearly 90,000 euros were awarded to students experiencing financial hardship due to the Corona crisis. Students such as Imre Polyák, Aitana Schwarz-Lloret and Giorgi Bokhua (from left to right) were helped in this way. In June, a total of 111 students have already received a one-time funding of 800 euros from the foundation's Corona-Fonds without having to go through a bureaucratic application procedure. In December, another 8,000 euros were awarded to 16 students in need. Read more
Expansion of e-learning
Being able to build an efficient video infrastructure and develop virtual education as quickly as possible is a special challenge brought by the coronavirus crisis. With your donations of 60,000 euros so far, we have come a step closer to achieving these goals and were able to quickly take action at the beginning of the pandemic.
On 26 November 2020 we invited everyone who donated for the expansion of e-learning to a virtual event. On the one hand, we were able to show what the funds were used for, and on the other hand, illustrate what a digital lecture looks like and the challenges it presents for students and teachers.
Since e-learning will continue to play an important role, further expansion is necessary. A “Center for the Digitalization of Teaching” is to be established specifically for this purpose and therefore your support would be greatly appreciated. Read more
We thank all our supporters!
The donors are listed in alphabetical order.
- Terje Jens Detlev Aass
- Alexander Abt
- Prof. Klaus Adam, Ph.D.
- Michael Andris
- Prof. Dr. Julia Angster
- Dr. Günter Arheit
- Prof. Dr. Colin Atkinson
- B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co. KGaA
- Herbert Bareiss
- Marco Barth
- Udo Bäumler
- Dr. Bernadette Baumstark
- Helmut Beck
- Dr. Susanne Becker
- Dr. Michael Beller
- Giuseppina Bentivegna
- Roland Benz
- Prof. Dr. Birgitta Bertram
- Thomas Bez
- Dr. Dino Biedermann and Mayte Richter
- Gudrun and Joachim Blei
- Dr. Max-Niklas Blome
- Benjamin Blume
- Gudrun Blümel
- Klaus Borchers
- Prof. Dr. Clemens Börsig
- Anisa Boumrifak
- Matthias Brecht
- Wolfgang Breiner
- Felix Brenk
- Elizabeta Brinkschulte
- Prof. Dr. Arndt Bröder
- Dr. Wolfgang Bruder
- Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Wolfgang Bühler
- Clemens Niklas Buhr
- Anna Theresa Bührle
- Prof. Dr. Jens Bülte
- Sabine and Wolf-Diether Burak
- Stefanie Burgahn
- Michael Burk
- Annette Busch
- Elisa Casi and Timo Eberhard
- Sarah-Esther Anneliese Ciaglia
- Françoise Costedoat
- Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Cremer
- CropEnergies AG
- Dr. Dorothee Dickenberger
- Prof. Dr. Oliver Dickhäuser
- Prof. Dr. Michael Diehl
- Andrea Diemer
- Simon Dimpfl
- Dr. Dietrich Dörner
- Petra Dorn-Rübelmann and Matthias Rübelmann
- Steffen Drögemüller
- Günter Dürholt
- Verena Dutt
- Sabine und Ulrich Eberhard
- Dr. Eberhard GmbH & Co. KG Steuerberatungsgesellschaft
- Verena Eisenlohr
- Ekkehard-Stiftung
- Peter Elleser
- Marcus Enger
- Thomas Englert
- Prof. Dr. Edgar Erdfelder
- Hans-Jürgen Ernst
- Christoph Ernsting
- Prof. Dr. Hartmut Esser
- Karin und Carl-Heinrich Esser Stiftung
- Thomas Esser
- Michael Euchner
- Dr. Golo Fabricius
- Michaela and Marcus Fähnle
- Nikolaos Faradouris
- Florian Fehres
- Erwin Feininger
- Dr. John Feldmann
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Fetzer
- Leonie Fischer
- Prof. Dr. Peter Frankenberg
- Freunde der Universität Mannheim e.V.
- Margitta Frölich
- Gerd Fuhrmann
- Fuchs family
- Hiltrud and Prof. Dr. Paul Gans
- Prof. Dr. Philipp Gassert
- Simon Gatzemeier and Lena Hoffmann
- Michael Göbel
- Roman Goldner
- Andres Gomez Nunez and Julian Kempf-Gomez Nunez
- Dr. Marcel Gorenflo
- Dr. Michael Gräf
- Heidemarie Greve
- Nina and Ulrich Griesbach
- Prof. Dr. Claudia Gronemann
- Dr. Ralf Gronych
- Nienke and Prof. Thomas Gschwend, Ph.D.
- Dr. Horst Hermann Guckert
- Dr. Ulrike Hagmann-Lauterbach and Dr. Harald Hagmann
- Dr. Albrecht Hallbauer
- Jürgen Haller
- Katharina and Dr. Michael Hanewinkel
- R. Hanser and C. Hanser-Adler
- Bernd Hartenstein
- Roland Edmund Hans Hartung
- Regina Hauer
- HeidelbergCement AG
- Friedrich Heinemann
- Michael Helisch
- Magdalene Helmreich
- Tobias Herget
- Jovana Herold and Philipp Julius
- Christoph Hesterbrink
- Bernd Hilkert
- Timo Hoberg
- Ute and Prof. Dr. Manfred Hofer
- Tilman Höfle
- Klaus Höft
- Prof. Dr. Karin Hoisl
- HORNBACH Baumarkt AG
- Annie Huault-Glock
- Heike Huber
- Kai Hubner
- Gabriela Illik
- Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Otto Jacobs
- Brigitte and Prof. Dr. Egbert Jahn
- Prof. Dr. Eckhard Janeba
- Michael Jendrek
- Martina Johann
- Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Max Kaase
- Janina and Prof. Dr. Christian Kammlott
- Dorothea Kauffelt
- Gunter Kaufmann
- Robert Kautzmann
- Ingolf Keba
- Martin Kerkmann
- Jonathan Kickuth
- Volker Kilb
- Ingrid Kingma
- Inge and Hansjörg Kircher
- Michael Klatt
- Christine and Dieter Klein
- Jürgen Klein
- Dorothee and Prof. Dr. Jan Klement
- Michel Hans Klinger
- Franz-Josef Klüber
- Christa Kneier
- Marion Köbisch
- Petra Kohnert-Höft
- Scholarship holders of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
- Marina Köpke
- Caroline Kopp
- Jannina and Peter Körner
- Maartje Koschorreck
- Heiner Werner Köstermann
- Nikolaus Christopher Krenzel
- Tim Kröger
- Lilly and Peter Kuebler
- Prof. Dr. Beatrice Gisele Kuhlmann
- Sebastian Kuhn
- Michael Georg Hans-Werner Kühne
- Andreas Kühner and Heike Ettischer
- KUNZE Beteiligungen und Verwaltung GmbH
- Ulrich Künzler
- Dr. Stephan Küßner
- Martin Lasch
- Björn Lauschke
- Peter Lehmann
- Corinna Leist
- Yue Li
- Ye Li
- Annika Lindemann
- Simon Lindner
- Prof. Dr. Manfred Loimeier
- Dr. Bernd Lübcke
- Marion Maaß
- Helmuth Maier
- Yannic Maiwald
- Matthias Mand
- Simon Marchart
- Martin Latz Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH
- Walter Mathes
- Frauke Mattern
- Prof. Ernst Maug, Ph.D.
- Dr. Harald Maurer
- Prof. Dr. Thorsten Meiser
- Megatrend Gesellschaft für Informationsmanagement, Unternehmens- und Finanzberatung mbH
- Andreas Menke
- Hildegard Menzel
- Dr. Peter Merten
- Nicol Miedke
- MMM Absolvent
- Julian Mockenhaupt
- Andrea and Dr. Hans Molnar
- Doris and Oskar Morath
- Wolfgang Müller
- Prof. Dr. Ralf Müller-Terpitz
- Uta Müller-Thürauf
- Adeline Münch
- MVV Energie AG
- Diane and Dr. Lorenz Näger
- Ralph Nehring
- Michael Nellen
- Jutta Neuhaus
- Tim Neumann
- Susanne Niegisch
- Gisela Nießner
- Dorothee Oettli-Lutz
- Marcel Joachim Olbert
- Dr. Peter Pack
- Christian Paetzke
- Jutta Palm
- Heinz Peeters
- Martina Perschke
- Claudia Pfleger-Hoffmann
- Kristina Pietukhova
- Friederike Pipphardt
- Ulrike and Sven Piske
- Graf Claudius Paul Magnus von Plettenberg
- Isabelle Pohl
- Gudrun and Prof. Dr. Herbert Popp
- Polina Potoskueva
- Thomas Prexl
- Morrigain Raß
- Prof. Stefan Reichelstein, Ph.D.
- Ursula Rein
- Rolf Reinhardt
- Wolfgang Rempel
- Antje Rieger
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen Riemann
- Klaus Ries
- Rahel Ritz
- Hans-Jürgen Robrecht
- Röchling SE & Co. KG
- Wolfgang Ross
- Rotary Club Schwetzingen-Walldorf
- Dr. Felix Maximilian Roth
- Hans-Peter Röttig
- Harald Ruziczka
- Mahmoud Sabri
- Heiko Jens Martin Sander
- Harald Sauer
- Gerhard Schackert and Regina Maria Ritter-Schackert
- Linda Schädler
- Prof. Dr. Heinrich Schanz
- Gerhard Schierle
- Makiko Schlegel
- Helmut Schlick
- Eberhard Schmid
- Dr. Frank Schmidt
- Prof. Dr. Jörg Schmidt
- Klaus Schmidt
- Sabine Schmidt
- Markus Schmitt
- Dominic Schmoigl
- Günther Scholz and Uta Michels-Scholz
- Ludwig Schrittenloher
- Eva Anna Schückler
- Christa and Peter Schuhmacher
- Dr. Michael Schulz
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Schumacher
- Beate Schwarz
- Dr. Lukas M. Schwarz
- Sabine Schwarz
- Conny Schweigert
- Ute Schwenger
- Pierre Schwerdtfeger
- Edith and Dieter Schwitallik
- Alexander Heinz Schwörer
- Karola and Harald Seitz
- Rosemarie and Dr. Richard Seitz
- Dr. Alexander Selent
- Christopher Sheldon
- Bernhard Siegel
- Michael Christian Sindram
- Alexander Martin Sölch
- Prof. Dr. Rainer Specht
- Prof. Dr. Christoph Spengel
- Anton Spies
- Dr. Eberhard Spiess
- Barbara Stage
- Anselm Benedict Stahl
- Mario Stehling
- Bastian Steinmüller
- Katrin Stetter
- Konrad Stockmeier
- Bernd Stoeckel
- Curt Christian Stoffel
- Prof. Dr. Angelika Storrer
- Sabine and Prof. Dr. Jochen Streb
- Sven Stromann
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen Friedrich Strube
- Prof. Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden
- Georg Tietje
- Ahmet Toroslu
- Prof. Dr. Carola Trips
- TP
- Dr. Frank Trompeter
- Janina Unselt
- Peter Utt
- Heiko Vay
- Doris and Dr. Gerhard Vogel
- Waltraud Vohrer
- Marcel Vollmerhausen
- Andreas Voss
- VR Bank Rhein-Neckar eG
- Ulrich Wagner
- Achim Walter
- Lisa Verena Waninger
- Bernd Michael Weber
- Per Wehrmann
- Prof. Dr. Christoph Weiß
- Gerhard Weissenberger and Cornelia Kreutz-Weissenberger
- Prof. Weber GmbH
- Dr. Jobst Wellensiek
- Florian Wendt
- Dr. Jonathan Wennekers
- Heinz-Hermann Werner
- Manuel Wiedemann
- Sabine and Klaus Wieland
- Prof. Dr. Günther Wiese
- Dres. Ingetraud and Reiner Wild
- Rosmarie Wildenmann
- Barbara Windscheid
- Dr. Gerald Wörner
- Paul Würth
- Manfred Zeller
- Thea and Rainer Zickler
- Irina Zickwolf
- Gisela Ziefle
- Dieter Zimmer
- Dr. Josef Zimmermann
We also thank everyone who wants to remain anonymous.