Tax Benefits
As a non-profit foundation, we have tax benefits and so have your contributions. According to the not-for-profit law (Gemeinnützigkeitsrecht), a foundation is exempt from the corporation, inheritance and gift tax. This means that your contributions go to the foundation without tax deduction and can be fully used to realize the purpose of the foundation.
Your tax benefits if you donate to projects:
Private individuals can claim up to 20 percent of their total income as special expenses for tax purposes each year. Amounts in excess of this can be carried over to the next year.
If you are a company, contributions of up to 4 per mille of the sum of your total sales and the wages and salaries spent in the calendar year can be claimed as special expenses on taxes.
Your tax benefits, if you contribute to the long-term capital growth of the foundation:
Private individuals such as companies can make their endowments or donations to the capital stock of our foundation. This way, up to 1 million euros can be claimed on taxes over a ten-year period. This contribution option also comes with the tax benefits mentioned above. In the case of married couples who are assessed for tax, each is entitled to the maximum contribution amount. This ensures that their commitments are secured in perpetuity. We use the earnings to fulfill the purpose of the foundation in the long term.
In case you want to include the foundation in your will:
If you want to include the foundation in your will, the inheritance or gift tax will not be due either.